Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Are you a sapiophile—someone who is attracted to intelligence in a prospective mate? If so, the Knowledge Seeker could be the ideal match for you. On Love University, we discussed the GuyType (personality style) known as the Knowledge Seeker—the intellectual type of person who has a strong intuition and logic. If you’re interested in being with a Knowledge Seeker, here’s what you need to know to win their heart:
*Be competitive with them. Knowledge Seekers like to compete. Engage them in a stimulating game of chess, poker, or word game. Let them know you’re up for the intellectual challenge and they will be attracted to you.
*Develop a taste for sarcasm. They often enjoy sarcastic humor. If you’re a more feeling type, don’t take it personally when they say sarcastic things to you. See the humor in what they’re saying and realize that your witty companion likes to play with words and it’s not an attack against you.
*Demonstrate your competence. Knowledge Seekers value smart and competent people. They can’t stand incompetence. Show off your talents, brag about your accomplishments, showcase your education or awards. Although other types may be turned off by too much prideful boasting, the Knowledge Seeker will respect and admire you for your successes and abilities.
*Put on your debate hat. This personality type loves to argue and debate in an intellectual and emotionally detached way. Debate them on the latest hot and controversial topics involving politics, religion, sex, technology, law, and finance. Don’t worry about things getting heated—they love a back and forth debate on the issues as an intellectual exercise.
*Don’t overwhelm them with touchy feely stuff. Most Knowledge Seekers are not overly emotional. Although they can logically understand feelings, they don’t want to be smothered by them. If you’re a feeler yourself (you make decisions based on your emotions), then learn how not to take things personally with the Knowledge Seeker. Save your feelings for your priest or shrink (or your best girlfriend). With the Knowledge Seeker, keep it mainly objective and logical and you’ll get along just fine.
The Knowledge Seeker may not for everyone. If you’re a Knowledge Seeker yourself (high in Intuition and Thinking), then they are probably your best love match. If you’re more of a feeling personality, a relationship with them can be more of a challenge—you can be hurt by their sharp criticisms, and they can be feel flooded by your emotional side. Yet, if you’re a Feeler, you can still make it work with a Knowledge Seeker (you can balance each other), provided that you respect each other’s style. Ideally, however, you would do well with a Knowledge Seeker if you’re one yourself. It’s true that when the Knowledge Seeker is your mate, you will be with a marvelously interesting partner who can solve the puzzles of the universe and motivate you to find your own inner genius.
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