
Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Would you like to have amazing love, romance, and sex? Now you can by applying certain simple “biohacks” (utilizing biology for health and happiness) to completely transform your relationships. Our guest on Love University, legendary relationship luminary Dr. John Gray (marsvenus.com), educated us on male/female hormones and the power of understanding and appreciating our differences. With over 40 years helping couples, and as the author of the most trusted relationship book of all time (Men are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Dr. Gray illuminated our minds with his amazing insights on love and romance, as follows:
*Men and women need polarity to be sexually and romantically happy. Polarity in relationships is the spark occurring between two opposing energies: masculine and feminine. According to Dr. Gray, men need to be more on their male side (generating more testosterone), and women need to be more on their female side (creating more estrogen), for sexual arousal and romantic love to rise to the highest levels. In romantic “pair bonding,” a man and woman give each other a benefit they can’t give themselves . For example, a man gives a woman a sense of emotional security/safety, while the woman gives the man her appreciation and feminine warmth and affection. These complementary energies then fuse to create sparks and attraction.
*When men are overly emotional they are on their “female” side—producing more estrogen. Getting angry, contrary to popular belief, is not a “masculine” or “macho” experience. When men allow their negative feelings to overwhelm them, they produce more estrogen. This is also the case when men indulge too much in pleasure or have an addiction.
*A woman can help a man replenish his testosterone. She can ask for his help (this also raises her estrogen as well), encourage his “cave time” (when he goes in his room, office, or garage to engage in hobbies, interests, or activities), and appreciate his talents and accomplishments (“You’re so smart,” “Great job”).
*A man can help a woman replenish her estrogen. He can listen to her feelings without judgment or trying to solve her problems (ten minutes), give her four nonsexual hugs a day (six seconds each), and do a five-minute task for her with a smile (something she can do for herself, but she’s happy when her man does it).
*Brahmacharya, sexual abstinence for a higher purpose, can be a healthy thing. Dr. Gray was a celibate monk and practiced sexual abstinence for spiritual reasons. There is great power in giving your sexual energy “an upward turn”—instead of having physical sex, you can transmute or apply your erotic energy to do creative, humanitarian, or spiritual works. You can also invest your sexual energy in one adored, devoted, and committed love partnership as you and your partner create peace and greatness through your love.
In the end, the goal is for men and women to understand, respect, appreciate and love each other as the unique and beautiful souls they are. Together, we can create a path to a higher light and radiate love without expectation throughout the world.