
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Have you ever felt regretful or sad about the past? Perhaps, you feel that you’ve made some serious mistakes or blunders that have cost you important things in your life—love, success, finances, opportunities, health, or happiness. If you feel burdened under the pain of lost hope and unrealized expectations, there is good news for you. There is a way for you to recapture your power and joy through the magic of Self-forgiveness: forgiving yourself for any imagined or real errors you may have made in the past. On our Love University podcast, we delved into the final secret of happiness—Forgiveness, especially Self-Forgiveness. We pick up where we left off in the story of our two protagonists: Harry, the pompous psychiatrist, and Tanaka, the eccentric, but brilliant, martial arts master. Together, they will discover what forgiveness truly is, and their lives (and yours) will be changed forever.