
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Is this the year of your prosperity, joy, and love? The answer is a resounding “Yes” according to our distinguished guest on Love University, Marci Shimoff (happyfornoreason.com) the woman’s face of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series and #1 NY bestselling transformational author (Happy for no Reason; Love for No Reason). In our delightful conversation, Marci shared the secrets of maintaining your happiness and loving nature and achieving your dreams, regardless of any obstacles and problems you may experience. Here are some of the marvelous insights we learned from Marci:
*Believe the Universe is Loving and Benevolent. Happy and successful people expect that good things will happen to them. Because of their optimistic and grateful natures, they are open to new opportunities. They are prepared to accept the best and they often receive the best the Universe has to offer. Repeat this to yourself every day: “The Universe has abundant good for me—love, happiness, and success. I just need to open the door to my wonderful good.”
*Build Up Your Emotional Immune System. Mood contagion is what happens when you pick up the moods of other people—either positive or negative. This is especially the case if you are a sensitive or empathic person who absorbs the energy of others. When you’re around negative people, tell yourself: “I am my own castle of positive energy; no one and nothing can enter and disrupt my peace and happiness. I am protected and safe. I am content.”
*Take Ownership of Your Happiness. According to Marci, many people need to have a reason for happiness (“I need a new job, relationship, house, experience…”). The problem is that happiness from external things soon wears off and you’re back to the emotional state you had before. Lasting happiness comes when you don’t have a reason for your happiness. You are just happy, period. To develop your inner happiness, repeat this to yourself: “I will not let any unhappy thoughts penetrate my mind. If a negative thought enters my mind temporarily, I will quickly discard it. I will only allow peaceful and joyful thoughts to penetrate my consciousness. I am happy and free.”
*Raise Your Love Set Point. Love Set point refers to a certain baseline level of loving energy that you tend to have in most situations. The good news is that you can increase your love set point; you can become more loving, and you can feel more loved. For example, you can practice unconditional self-love by loving the unlovable in you (something you consider unappealing about yourself). Part of this is forgiving yourself for any things you have done that you regret. Also, you can become more loving toward others by giving fully from your heart—doing altruistic and kind acts to help others (giving money to the homeless, listening empathetically to a hurting friend). At the same time, you can look for the similarities and beauty in others and recognize the oneness of all humanity. Finally, you can connect with a Higher Nature (God, Spirit, nature) that is all-loving and helps actualize your potential to love yourself and others to the fullest.
Yes, this will be the year of your happiness, success, and love. All you have to do is work from the inside out—develop these traits first within yourself—and then manifest them in the outside world. When you do this, you will attract all you desire: career and financial success, excellent physical and mental health, and an amazing lifestyle. Yes, this is your year of wonder and accomplishment. Rejoice in it; excel in it, love it.