
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
In these stressful and challenging times, wouldn’t it be nice to just relax and be at peace? Now, you can do that, based on advice provided by our guest on Love University, Amanda J. Scott, international stress expert. Try these techniques and you can enjoy a more stress-free and relaxing life:
*Realize that some stress can be good. Not all stress is bad. Sometimes a little stress can motivate you to get off your rear and get something done. The key is to realize when you’re letting stress get to you in a negative way—paralyzing you and making you doubt yourself. When you feel frantic, rush, worried, and pressured, you know that bad stress is controlling you. When that happens, practice relaxation and self-care techniques to soothe your mind and body and re-energize your soul.
*Keep a Fear to Reality Journal. Bad stress is motivated by fear: The fear of losing something or someone, or the nagging worry that something bad will happen to you. The truth is that much of what you fear doesn’t happen to you in the way you imagined. To counteract the fantasy world of imagined fears, keep a Fear to Reality Journal, in which you write down all of your fears, and then note what actually happened. You will find that a high percentage of the time, there was nothing to fear in the first place—things often turned out perfectly fine, one way or another. Either what you feared didn’t happen, or you learned a valuable lesson. In either case, you are just fine.
*Practice Self-Care. Every day, do something to help your mind and body relax and rejuvenate. Exercise, meditate, pray, listen to music, play a sport, spend time with children or animals; take an excursion into nature; get a facial or massage; go on a shopping spree for clothes that make you feel good. Talk to a good friend; listen to and help people who are hurting. Volunteer for a charity; help a homeless person; work for a humanitarian organization. Do whatever you need to do to recharge your emotional batteries and get your mind and body back on track. The more you take care of yourself and do what you love, the less bad stress you will feel, and the more love you can give to yourself and others.
Yes, it is possible to live a minimally stressed life. Although some stress can help you perform better, too much stress can harm your health—causing you to experience heart problems, high blood pressure, migraines, and even an early death. On the other hand, when you master your fear and practice self-care, you can get rid of bad stress and live a relaxed and pleasurable life. With your new relaxed mindset, you can give to yourself the same thing you can offer others: peace, love, and understanding.