
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
The problem of childhood poverty has many consequences. These include homelessness, abuse, and children’s separation from their biological parents. Our guest on Love University Podcast, David Ambroz, shared his harrowing and inspirational story of being a homeless child caught up in the system (A Place Called Home; davidambroz.com). Eventually through the love of his mentally ill mother, and his own resolve, David graduated from UCLA school of law and has worked at community leadership positions at Walt Disney and Amazon. He was also recognized by President Obama as an American Champion of Change. Here’s what we learned about how to help eradicate child poverty and suffering in the US:
*There is no roadmap to resilience. David takes exception to research that points out certain characteristics that can help a child become resilient and overcome trauma (e.g., having a pleasant personality). He explains how, as a foster kid, he could fake having a “pleasing personality” to get food, but that wasn’t necessarily his true nature. Also, David explains, there’s rarely such a thing as “getting over the trauma.” Now in his 40’s he still chokes up when he thinks about some of his homeless and abusive experiences as a child (covered in lice; eating cereal with maggots; sexually abused). He explains: “Vulnerability is a superpower—life is the fire that forges you.” In the end, everyone must follow their individual path to health and healing.
*You can choose to have unconditional love. David explains that he chose to have unconditional love for his mother. Due to her mental illness—a form of schizophrenia—she could be alternatively loving and abusive (physically). Yet, deep down, he knew his mother always loved him and encouraged all of her children to “reach for the stars.” David went to law school and his other siblings also achieved rewarding careers. Now, he has taken care of his mother (for twenty years). He understands her “mental prison” and loves her unconditionally. There is no greater love.
*Storytelling is key to growth and wisdom. During his childhood years, David read a lot. His mother would encourage it constantly and he spent a lot of time in libraries (also to wash himself in the bathroom). Although the new generations are now reading more on their tablets and phones, and taking in information in smaller portions, it is still a good thing to read. Ultimately, storytelling is the key to learning and growing—a tradition that dates back to ancient times. Although the medium has changed as technology advances, young people and older people alike can be inspired, motivated, and taught by excellent stories, such as the one David wrote in his memoir, A Place Like Home.
*Empathy is crucial to helping eradicate childhood poverty. Ask yourself, how would I feel if my child was homeless? Many people avoid looking at homeless people or giving them money (“they’ll use it for drugs”), yet they are human beings just like us. If we put ourselves in their shoes (“For the grace of the Higher Nature—God, spirit, nature—there go I”), then our attitude will change and our hearts will melt. We will want to help in any way we can—by giving money, time, and making a difference at the community and legislative level to improve the condition of the impoverished in this country.
We need more effective community programs to end the cycle of poverty, abuse, and violence. As a community activist, David is a strong proponent of city, state, and federal programs to help poverty victims—children and adults—get on their feet and live purposeful lives. He proposes establishing college dorm rooms (free) for foster teens who want to go to college. In addition, to encourage more social workers to enter the profession, he suggests giving them incentives such as loan forgiveness and loan assistance for buying a house. Other plans include offering more wraparound support services to help biological parents financially and psychologically so they can keep their children, as well as offering benefits to bring more good foster parents into the picture (making them federal/county employees; giving their children free college after ten years of service). By decriminalizing poverty and encouraging more good people to help children—biological parents, social workers, foster parents, adoptive parents—our youth will have a better opportunity to enjoy a secure and loving environment so they can shine their potential.
David’s message of suffering and hope can be summarized with the phrase, “Our love is all one.” We are united in our emotions, desires, hopes, and dreams as human beings—regardless of our race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, and so on. The fundamental needs for humans are to have physical and economic security, to love and be loved, and to make a difference or contribution to the world. By working and uniting together, we can help create a brighter future for our children and a loving world for all.

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Would you like to turn your life into a miracle and achieve your dreams? Now you can by applying certain time-tested secrets for living your best life. On our latest Love University podcast, Dr. Avila answers reader’s most pressing questions about how to enjoy the Invincible Life—how to triumph despite the obstacles. Here’s what we learned:
*Shake with hands of love. Imagine that your hands have hundreds of individual loving minds. When you shake someone’s hand, imagine that you’re transferring loving energy to them as they do the same for you.
*Practice “Right Emotional Memory.” You may make the mistake of exaggerating the pleasure you received from a bad habit/action (eating too much), while forgetting the pain (feeling bloated; gaining weight). In this new approach you will remember the pain from self-defeating actions (binging on junk food), and you will seek the pleasure of right action (eating healthy and exercising).
*Stop fearing the relaxation you seek. You may assume that tension is a power that keeps your life together (overscheduling; overuse of technology). Because you’re afraid to be bored or nonproductive, you don’t allow yourself to experience true relaxation and peace of mind. The solution is to take a “technology fast”—put away your devices for a while. Observe your feelings when you’re just sitting still. Part of your mind—self-defeating—will pressure you into checking your devices (“You’re missing something important”). Refuse the temptation and choose the right course of relaxation and peace—you will be happier and more productive in the long run.
*Realize the true battle is not “You against the World.” When you feel discouraged or discontented you may think that you’re fighting against the world and other people (“I can’t get what I want”). In reality, it’s not “you against the world.” It’s You (Invincible Mind: “You can do it”) versus you (self-defeating mind: “You’re not good enough”). The solution is to live from your Invincible Mind—the part of you that is at a high psychological level and can’t be harmed by the negativity of the world or your own mind. Think of your Invincible Mind like a pure waterfall of clear water that wipes away all of the dirt and negativity of the self-defeating mind. Now you are ready to live with full joy and creativity.
*To find someone to love, externalize your inner love. You may have chased other people and been frustrated that you can’t find someone to love (who loves you). Perhaps, you feel lonely and jump at the first person who seems somewhat compatible, only to find that you’re getting yourself into another relationship mess. The answer is to love yourself and your Don (God/nature given talent). Take a break from socializing and trying to meet a special someone. Instead, focus on loving yourself and enjoying life. Practice your talent, enjoy a new hobby, engage in a spiritual or meditative practice; spend quality time with close, long-term supportive friends and family members (including dogs and children). One quick way to eradicate loneliness in your mind is to help other lonely and needy people (volunteer, contribute). It’s true: The more you extend love to others without expectation, the more your loneliness will vanish. and love in many forms will take its place in your life.
The answers to life’s most perplexing questions are simple: Love yourself, love others, and love a Higher Nature (God, spirit, nature). On a daily basis, extend loving energy to yourself and others, build up your Invincible Mind while reducing the self-defeating mind, and take time to nurture yourself and enjoy times of peace and relaxation. If you do these things, you will be on your way to living a miraculous and beautiful life that leaves a lasting legacy for all to see.

Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
When NY times bestselling author, W. Bruce Cameron, was on a road trip with his girlfriend, she shared some sad news: Her first dog had just died. She was crying and inconsolable. Then, W. Bruce was inspired to tell her a story about a dog that reincarnates and eventually ends up in heaven with his owner. The story became a beloved novel and movie (“A Dog’s Purpose, and sequels), and catapulted W. Bruce (wbrucecameron.com) as the dog lover novelist (he also married his passenger). Appearing on our Love University Podcast, W. Bruce shared his insights on the unbreakable love bond between dogs and humans. Here's what we discussed about dogs and the lessons they can teach us:
Dogs and humans are evolutionary programmed to love each other. In ancient times, the human-wolf (later dog) bond developed as wolves helped humans hunt and survive better. Those humans who worked well with wolves tended to survive and pass along their genes, while wolves who worked well with humans were taken care of and were able to reproduce. Now, according to W. Bruce, in modern times, it’s in our respective DNAs to love dogs and dogs to love us.
Dogs give us pure unconditional, forgiving love. People are judgmental, but dog’s aren’t. A human will say to another, “You look terrible with that shirt,” or “You hurt me back in 2020—I can’t forget it.” A dog doesn’t care what you look like; they will still love you if your hair is all messed up. They also don't hold grudges (you put them outside when company came), yet they are still super excited to see you when you come get them. Strive to be the same toward yourself and others—forgiving, accepting, and loving.
A dog enjoys the simple pleasures. We live in a rush-rush society—multitasking, technology overload, trying to cram one more thing into our day. Take a lesson from dogs—they enjoy the simple pleasures of the moment. Even a car ride around the corner is exciting for them. When they take you for a walk, they stop to smell everything and really enjoy it. Follow their example, “Smell the essence of life”—wherever you go, and whatever you do, strive to savor and relish the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of the experience. Slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
Dogs fully accept everything. Dogs are masters at going with the flow. W. Bruce talks about a dog that lost the use of their leg and were in a cart. Yet, the dog was happy because it didn’t have pain and it could spend time with its loved ones. What a beautiful way for us to live as humans if we could accept everything that happens to us—as we find the silver lining in even the darkest of clouds.
You have a short life span—enjoy every minute. The average dog has a lifespan of 10 to 13 years. Yet, in that short time period, dogs can pack a great deal of fun, adventure, love, and joy. You can do the same. Realize that your physical time on earth is limited, but the love you create and share is eternal. Like a dog, you can be grateful for every “treat” you experience in life, and approach each moment of existence with joy and anticipation.
- Bruce says the biggest concern of a loving dog is what will happen to their human after the dog is gone. Ultimately, W. Bruce’s dog books are about reunification and returning to the ones we love; otherwise known as eternal love. This uplifted love can be between humans and each other, humans and a Higher Nature (God, spirit, nature), and humans and animals. It’s true that dogs are truly a great gift to our world. They teach us how to be generous, nonjudgmental, and forgiving. They show us how to enjoy the present without worrying about the future or regretting the past. Let’s face it: It’s a dog’s world, and you’re living in it. Enjoy.

Thursday Jul 13, 2023

Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Do you feel like you can’t get to the next level of your success? Are obstacles, both internal and external, stopping you from achieving your dreams. If that’s the case, then get ready for a powerful mindshift into excellence and authentic power. On Love University podcast, we learned valuable lessons of ultimate success from Sean Kanan, Emmy® winning producer, and talented actor and writer. Sean was the original “Bad Boy of Karate (Karate Kid III) and now appears on the hit series Cobra Kai. In his new role as “sensei of your mind,” teacher and author, Sean (wayofthecobra.com), reveals some of the most powerful “mind hacks” to get you on the path to ultimate joy, success, and fulfillment. Here’s what we learned:
*Become a Cobra: When you become a Cobra, you are the most authentic, self-aware, empathetic, strong, and confident human being you can possibly be. COBRA is an acronym that stands for Character, Optimization (taking the best action), Balance, Respect, and Abundance. When you focus on developing these qualities, the sky is the limit for your joy and success.
*Welcome to the Kumite. In martial arts, Kumite stands for sparring as well as an epic battle. In the Kumite of your mind, your greatest opponent is “You” (your self-defeating thoughts: “I’m not good enough,” etc.). You can defeat the negative thought energies by being truly authentic, treating yourself and others with respect, and loving without expectation.
*Choose Your Hard. Sean tells us that you need to choose the hard thing that will bring you the greatest results and contentment. Marriage is hard, but so is divorce (even harder). Working out is hard, but so is being overweight (even harder). Therefore, you need to decide if you want a little right pain now (eating junk food) and a lifetime of pleasure (great health), or a little pleasure now (tasty junk snack) or a lifetime of pleasure (poor health). The choice is clear; choose the little right pain now for a lifetime of pleasure.
*Live by Your Creed. A creed is a set of beliefs or aims which guide your actions. In the Kenpo Karate creed, it says, “I come to you with only empty hands, I have no weapons. But should I be forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong, then here are my weapons, Karate, empty hands.” Sean’s creed is to know who you are and never compromise your character. Don’t act like someone you’re not just to please others. Your greatest gift to the world is to be who you are and shine your talent and love for all to experience.
During his interview on Love University, Sean explained how he almost lost his life as he was beginning work in Karate Kid III due to a medical emergency. From that near-death experience, he learned the value of humbleness, gratefulness, and never quitting. One of the most powerful lessons Sean learned was “You’re enough.” By embracing your strengths and recognizing your weaknesses, you realize that you don’t have to be anything different than who you already are. You don’t have to push, chase, or convince anyone to do anything. You can simply be your truest nature and extend your loving energy to the world. That is your greatest joy and your greatest reward.

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Are you proud of your talent and do you show it to the world? Maybe you don’t quite believe in your ability and you keep yourself from shining. Even worse, perhaps you’re envious of others who are living the life you wished you could have. In our latest Love University podcast, we discovered some answers to these questions from our delightful guest, Cara Mentzel. Cara is an acclaimed author (Voice Lessons, Loud Mouse), as well as the sister of Idina Menzel, “The Queen of Broadway” who has voiced iconic songs like “Let it Go” from Frozen. Here’s what we learned from Cara’s insightful adult and children’s books, as well as from her life experiences with her famous sister, Idina:
*Children don’t have to have a thing. When Cara was growing up, her older sister, Idina, was already demonstrating her great singing talent. They asked Cara if she could sing (“yes, but not like her”) and what she wanted to do in her life (something big like her sister?). As an adult, Cara advises parents to let children develop interests, talents, and loves at their own pace. They don’t have to have one “thing” they want to do when they grow up. They can try different things; experiment, blossom, and grow—life is an ever-changing puzzle of development and it’s important to be flexible and open (Cara became a children’s author in her middle years).
*Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. One of the most important traits to develop is curiosity. When you are curious about other people, you can make new friends. When you are curious about life, you can learn valuable things. Always be curious, learning, growing, and experiencing—it’s the best way to live.
*Don’t be afraid to be too big. In her charming children’s book, Loud Mouse (co-authored with her sister Idina), Cara describes a little mouse who physically grows big when she sings. She grows so big that she knocks other kindergarteners down with her loud voice. She becomes afraid of her talent, but her little sister “Lee” (Cara) says to her “Do you think a star can choose not to shine?” Then her sister, Dee (the little mouse) sings “with a full heart… with my whiskers out proud. I sing it big, I sing it… loud.” In the same way, recognize and embrace your gift or talent from the Higher Nature (God, spirit, nature) and don’t be afraid to be “too big.” Maybe your gift is science, business, teaching, counseling, writing, speaking, working with your hands, persuading, entertaining, or being a caretaker (great parent). Whatever your talent is, use it for the good of humanity .You were meant to be big in your own way and share your love and gift with the world.
*Sisterly Love can teach us universal love. Cara said that one of her greatest pleasures in life is seeing her sister sing before a rapt audience as she shares the magic of her otherworldly singing. People ask Cara if she has ever been jealous or envious of her sister. She answers: “What would I like better—to have my sister’s talent, or to be the sister who witnesses and feels pride at her sister’s accomplishments?” The answer, she says, is “to experience the joy of her sister’s talent and success.” Cara also describes how her relationship with her sister reminds her of the beautiful Aspen trees. Although they look like individual trees above ground, underneath, their roots are all connected, like one organism. In the same way, we are all individuals, but we are also one united support system. We are a connected unit of human consciousness and love.
*Let it Go. As her sister, Idina, sings in the beautiful theme song for Frozen, it’s important to let go of the past—our regrets, mistakes, and so-called failures. You may have been through a divorce, loss of finances, health, friendships, or lifestyle. Yet, it’s important to recognize that there are no wrong answers in life—it’s just you connecting with yourself, the world, and your Higher Nature. As the “Let it go” song says, “To test the limits and break through… I’m free.”
When you have a talent, you can feel blessed, but you may also feel vulnerable. People may say things about you that are not always positive. Yet, if you allow your talent to shine brightly, you will understand that the world needs you. By understanding the vulnerability that comes with strength, you can liberate yourself to be who you truly are. Sing and let your song resonate throughout the world.

Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Have you ever felt shy, lonely, or disconnected from others? Now there’s a way to connect with others and have great friends. Our guest on Love University, Cat Moore (cat-moore.com), USC Director of belonging, shared some insights on how to bring positive people into your life and feel a powerful sense of belonging and connection with others. Here’s what we learned:
*Make yourself “Tappable.” Put yourself out there to interact with people. Go to public spaces, activities, and events. Smile at others, say “Hi,” pay sincere compliments. Make yourself approachable and chances are someone interesting will start a conversation with you. If you’re shy or Introverted, start small. Say “Hi” to a couple of people and see how that feels. Practice your smile with others. The more you send loving energy into the environment, the more likely someone will respond favorably to you.
*Show Empathy and Listen. Cat says, “Being listened to with empathy is the closest thing to feeling loved. When you’re with others, make sure you listen without judgement—put yourself in their shoes. Ask: “How would I feel if I were in their position?” When you show up with loving intention, you will be able to develop deeper, more meaningful relationships.
*Meet your friends in person. In our hyperconnected society, many people are overwhelmed with virtual relationships, but lack deep meaningful connections on a personal level. Cat suggests that you meet your friends on a regular basis (weekly) in person if possible (homes, coffeeshops, outdoor locations). According to Cat, we need embodied experiences (not just zoom) to sustain quality connections. Relationships are a living organism that have to be fed regularly for true bonding to take place.
Although we’ve become more of an internal society with more people working and entertaining from home, it’s important that we balance our social and self-care needs. If you’re more Introverted or shy, you may be perfectly content staying home and not interacting too much with people. Yet, it’s important to remember that other people may need you—your companionship, attention, advice, and love. Also, you can learn valuable things from others, and you can feel that you’re not alone in this big unpredictable world. Love and be loved. That is the essence of human connection. It’s simple, but if you do it, you will achieve a great sense of belonging, peace, and joy.

Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
There once was a lion cub who got separated from his mother. A sheep found him and took him in as her own. The lion cub grew into a lion and one day an amazing thing happened. In the distance, he heard the roar of a lion. Suddenly, something powerful emerged within the lost lion—surprising himself, he started roaring as well. Realizing his destiny, he left his sheep mother without looking back and went in search of his lion heritage. In a similar way, our guest on Love University, Jesse Leon, underwent an amazing transformation to discover his inner lion. Raised in a horrific environment of sexual abuse, drug addiction, homelessness, and hopelessness, Jesse awakened to his true nature by graduating from prestigious universities and making a tremendous impact on his community and the world. He also embraced his authentic nature as a gay Latino man who wants to inspire others to shine their light and love to their communities. We were honored to hear his story, as described in his bestselling memoir, I’m Not Broken (https://rb.gy/uruyp). Here’s what we learned from Jesse:
Channel Your Inner Nerd: We all have innate intelligence. You’re smart and resilient no matter where you come from and what you’ve been through. You just need to code switch—apply your knowledge and experience to the environment you’re in and do it for the good of all.
Be Ready for Unexpected Mentors: Be open for moments of magic when remarkable people come into your life to help you. They may not look like individuals you expect to help you, but they can help transform your life if you let them.
Just Go For It: If you have a desire, don’t think twice, just go for it. Jesse thought his ceiling was to graduate from community college (cosmetology), but he didn’t realize that he could do much more. With motivating people to guide him, he applied to UC Berkeley and Harvard, and graduated from these prestigious institutions. Jesse says that if you want something, just put yourself out there. Go for it, and you will be pleasantly surprised that you accomplished it.
Jesse’s message can be summarized in a simple phrase: Don’t Stop Until the Miracle Happens. No one gave Jesse a chance, but he found faith, friendship, and hope in embracing his true authenticity and power within. You can do the same. No matter what you’ve gone through, no matter where you come from, You Are Not Broken. You are perfect just the way are. Embrace yourself, love yourself, and extend your love to others without expectation. Nothing can stop you now.

Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
What would you do if the one you loved cheated on you with their ex and then a gun was pulled on you? And what if your mind’s expectations of what your parent wanted you to do drove you to think about jumping off a building and ending your life? Sounds hopeless and miserable. Yet, our guest on Love University, Daniel Perez, 3D, overcame all of these challenges to become an up and coming producer, MC, and rapper who is happy to share his amazing story of acceptance, authenticity, and transformation. Listen as Dr. Avila helps Daniel see the beauty of his own inner nature and find the love inside he has been searching for all his life.

Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
You can live the most amazing life possible, despite any setbacks, obstacles, or problems you may face. On our Love University podcast, we learned the secrets of impeccable living and reaching your most treasured goals. Here’s what we learned:
*Claim your birthright as a King or Queen. Remind yourself daily of who you are: A Queen or King by virtue of being a creation of the Higher Nature (God, spirit, nature). Claim your inner royalty and decide that you will live joyfully every moment of every wondrous day.
*Expand your Love Energy daily. In the East, the vital flow of life energy is known as Qi or Chi. On a daily basis, decide that you will express your positive and loving energy—smile at others, act kindly, listen attentively. When you extend your loving energy into the world, the world will reciprocate with good and wonderful things in your favor.
*Say “I am” and follow it with great things. The words “I am” are very powerful. When you add positive and uplifting words to the “I am” sentence, you will be uplifted and encouraged. Say “I am healthy,” “I am rich—both materially and spiritually,” and “I am loved.” When you speak positives after “I am,” you can accomplish great things and live joyfully.
There you have it. Three simple things you can do daily to live an extraordinary life: Claim your royal birthright, expand your love energy daily, and say “I am” followed by great statements of positivity. You’re on your way now to actualizing your full potential and achieving your deepest desires. Enjoy every minute of your journey to the ultimate You.

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Have you ever given up on a relationship, career/business, or lifestyle choice and then later regretted it? Would you like to have more power in your life to persist and accomplish the things you truly desire? If you answered “yes,” your solution is to catch your second wind. William James, the esteemed psychologist, coined the term “second wind” to describe how you can persist through obstacles and tap into a deeper layer of energy and motivation to achieve your goals. Runners catch their second wind after running for a period of time. They are able to enter into the mindset called “Flow,” in which they lose track of time, worries, and even their very body—feeling joyous and uplifted in the process. Here are some ways you can access the power of your second wind:
*Cultivate a Fruitful State of Mind. Adopt a mindset of positive expectancy (“things will work out just fine”), gratitude (“I am thankful”), and meaning (“I have a purpose”). When you do this, you will be able to push through barriers easier to reach your goals.
*Practice Kaizen. Kaizen is a Japanese term that means “continuous improvement.” Every day strive to make small improvements. If you want to get in shape, you may start by working out only 15 minutes, and then gradually increase your time and frequency as you feel the pleasure and gains of your workout.
*Participate in Persistent Contagion. Moods and mindsets can be contagious. Study and learn from successful “Second Winders” who have overcome great obstacles in life. J.K. Rowling was a single welfare mom when she wrote Harry Potter and became one of the wealthiest authors of all time. Thomas Edison, famed inventor, “failed” thousands of times in his quest for the ideal light bulb filament, but he never saw failure. He said he learned many ways that wouldn’t work so he could find the way that would.
*Have a Strong Back, Soft Front. Another term from the East, this means that you will have resilience (strong back) when you face problems, but you will also have compassion for self and others (soft front). In this way, you are balanced and firm when circumstances go against you, while maintaining your sense of love and humanity along the way.
*Take a Second Wind Inventory. In a pad, tablet, or notebook, write down the times when you got a second wind. Although you wanted to quit, you didn’t give up on a relationship, business/career/educational, or lifestyle decision. By not giving up, you experienced something wonderful and beneficial. Also, for the next two weeks, push your comfort zone a bit to get to your second wind. Maintain that yoga position or fast a little longer, make that uncomfortable call you need to make, do less of the bad habit (excessive social media use) that drains your energy. Record how you feel and your results—you will find that Second Wind becomes more natural and ingrained in you the more you do it.
In the end, you will realize an important truth: The wind is always blowing. It’s up to you to flow with the wind—instead of trying to fight against it. Be like a kite who is taken up by the wind—soaring majestically into the skies as you actualize your dreams of love, joy, success, contribution, and legacy.

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Do you love your work or is it mainly a way to make a living? Now there’s a way to love your work and make as much money as you need. On our Love University Podcast, we explored the secrets of doing work you love and achieving everything you desire. Here’s what we learned:
*Tap into your Don. You Don is your Higher Nature (God/nature)—given talent. Perhaps you’re gifted in writing, entertaining, caretaking, teaching, science, business, hands-on crafts, mechanics, or the like. When doing an activity, ask yourself: “Does this activity make my heart sing and my spirit soar?” If it does, then it is your Don. Once you discover your Don, devote as much of your time to developing it as you can. When you tap into your Don, your self-esteem and self-confidence increases and you realize that your Don, used rightly, can be part of the restoration of the earth.
*Give the fruits of Your Don to the Higher Nature. After you’ve discovered and developed your Don, your next step is to mentally give the fruits or results of your Don (money, accolades, status) to the Higher Nature (God, spirit, nature). In other words, you’re not working for the rewards of your work. You’re simply doing what you love to do and that is all. You’re giving away your talents in service to others as a result. You’re not burdened by the expectation or pressure of earning a certain amount of money or receiving some type of benefit from your labor. As a result, you can do infinite work without getting tired because you are approaching it with a lighthearted and loving mindset. In turn, the Universe/Higher Nature will bring to you all of the success, well-being, and joy that belongs to you. It will come to you naturally and abundantly.
*Express kindness in the workplace. They say the workplace can be filled with hostile, gossiping, and conflictual people and situations. Although this may be true, your task is to bring the energy of kindness to the workplace. On a daily basis, strive to relieve the suffering of the people in your work environment, including employees, manager, customers, affiliates, and business partner. On a regular basis, perform acts of kindness. For customers or clients, you can offer an unexpected gift or discount; for service providers, you may give them an extra tip or bonus. At the office, you can help a co-worker with a difficult task. You can tell your supervisors, co-worker, and clients how much you appreciate them. In this way you create a “Kindness Chain” in which one person’s kindness inspires another to be kind as well. In this atmosphere of kindness and compassion, work satisfaction and productivity will be significantly increased.
Yes, you can love your work and love your life. All you have to do is tap into your Don, give the fruits of your Don to the Higher Nature, and express kindness in the workplace. When you do these things, you will be one step closer to actualizing your true potential and using your gifts to uplift yourself, your loved ones, and the world. As the famed Lebanese poet once said, Khalil Gibran said, “Work is love made visible.” Now it’s your turn: Go out this week and make your love visible in the work you do as you leave a legacy of goodness, light, and contribution.
Click here shorturl.at/pFOQ2 for our Love Masquerade Live Event on 4/6/23, where you can meet your potential soul mate based on your LoveType (romantic personality style).

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Have you ever lost your temper and said and did things you later regretted? If so, you were likely under the influence of the Anger Thought Demon—excessive and blown out of proportion anger thoughts that needlessly cause damage to yourself and others. On our Love University podcast, we learned powerful tools for mastering the Anger Thought Demon and maintaining a mind of peace, calm, and love. Here’s what we learned:
*Analyze your anger triggers. In a notebook or pad jot down the things, people, and situations that trigger your anger (e.g. traffic jams, mechanical failures, rude people). As you become aware of the things that make you mad, you will take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from the Anger Thought Demon.
*Give yourself a space between frustration and reaction. Take a time out when you feel yourself boiling over with extreme anger (perhaps an argument with a loved one). Take a walk, exercise, listen to music. Don’t react or add to the Anger Thought Demon at the moment it rears its ugly head; simply let the anger go through you until it is no longer in control. Then, come back and pick up the activity or conversation from a more relaxed mindset.
*Learn the Reverse Lesson. Observe angry people and do the opposite of what they do (maintain peace). Study those who are under the fiery influence of the Anger Thought Demon. See how their fists clench, their faces turn ugly red, and their voices become shrill or screaming. Take notice of how they harm relationships and career/business opportunities through rageful reactions. Realize how much they suffer from their out of control anger and resolve that you will be different. You will be a calm, peaceful, and loving person who is in command of your mind at all times.
Although some anger can be useful to right wrongs and correct injustices, the Anger Thought Demon is a harmful exaggeration of your feelings of hurt and disrespect that can lead to self-harming actions. It’s true that many people in our society suffer from the Anger Thought Demon. The good news is that you can live peacefully in an angry world. All it takes is an awareness of the Anger Thought Demon and a desire to take the necessary steps to separate yourself from its fiery, destructive influence. Imagine a life of peace, love, and contentment. This can be your life when you eradicate the Anger Thought Demon from your mind—once and for all.

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Watermelon Hunter in the Land of Fools: Parable for a Worry-Free Life
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Have you ever wondered why fear and worry rule your life? It’s because you haven’t learned how to transform fear into power and worry into security. In the Watermelon Hunter parable on Love University Podcast, you will learn the secrets of a worry-free life. The Watermelon Hunter is a tale about a wise man who helped a land of foolish and worried people find peace and security. Now sit back, relax, and listen as you uncover the time-honored mystery of ultimate confidence, love, and joy.

Friday Feb 24, 2023
Compulsion Thought Demon: How to Overcome the Never-Ending Chase for Nothing
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Have you ever wanted something badly that you knew was no good for you? Perhaps, you were addicted to a substance, behavior, person, or way of life that was self-defeating or self-destructive. If so, you were probably under the influence of the Compulsion Thought Demon—the damaging irresistible thoughts that compel you to sabotage your life by indulging in unhealthy behaviors and getting involved with toxic people. Fortunately, there is a way to overcome bad habits, addictions, and compulsive behaviors that you can’t control. On our Love University Podcast, we learned powerful ways to vanquish the Compulsion Thought Demon so you can pursue a healthy and satisfying life. Here’s what we discovered:
*Give Your Desires an Upward Turn. When you feel overcome by an overwhelming desire for something harmful (e.g. staying in a toxic relationship), you will give your desire an upward turn. In other words, you will transform your unhealthy desire into a healthy and uplifting one. In the relationship example, you will channel your craving for the exciting, but toxic, person into a strong desire for a compatible, high quality soul mate who provides you with genuine love. You will search for a quality and loving partner with as much intensity and desire as you pursued the unhealthy and toxic relationship. Now when you meet that wonderful person, you will feel a sense of joy and accomplishment.
Keep A Compassion Journal. In a pad or notebook, write down all of your harmful compulsions (activity, substance, person) and record all of the details you can remember about the compulsion. Write down when they occur, their intensity and ability to overwhelm you, how you feel when they first influenced you (excited, anticipating), and how you feel when you have indulged in the compulsion (letdown, regretful). Doing this will raise your awareness of just how much compulsions rule your life and will give you a blueprint for how to eradicate them from your daily existence.
Draw Your Compulsion and Imagine it Disappearing. Now in your pad or notebook, draw what you think the Compulsion Thought Demon looks like—give it a color. Maybe you see it as a cloud of black smoke (smoking compulsion) or a red creature with a pointy head (road rage addiction). Now imagine that your Higher Nature (God, spirit, nature) is lifting the Compulsion Thought Demon away from you—vacuuming the black smoky (or red) figure out of your mind permanently. Visualize that you are being cleansed of the Compulsion Thought Demon’s relentlessly craving and chasing thoughts, and you are becoming mentally free.
As you do these exercises, your mental burden will become lighter. Where before, you yielded to the compulsion, or futilely tried to fight it with your own mental willpower, now you can relax. You will let your Higher Nature fight the battle for you and kick the Compulsion Thought Demon out of your mind, once and for all. You are free at last.

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Has fear and worry ever got ahold of you and made you suffer? If so, you were under the influence of the Fear Thought Demon. The Fear Thought Demon consists of self-defeating and exaggerated thoughts of fear: “Watch out, you will lose your money, relationships, health, and even your life.” These attacking thoughts constantly warn you that bad things will happen to you in the future, and you will lose everything you value. The good news is that there is a way to get rid of the Fear Thought Demon once and for all. On our latest Love University podcast, we became acquainted with some powerful ways to vanquish unnecessary and exaggerated thoughts of fear and worry. Here’s what we learned:
*Rewire Your Brain From Rabbit to Lion. In nature, the lion is powerful and confident; it sleeps a lot because it has little to fear from other animals. The rabbit, on the other hand, is on every animal’s menu. They are always scurrying around, fearful they will be eaten at a moment’s notice. If you’re like a fearful rabbit, you can become a fearless lion by associating pleasant and relaxed feelings with things that make you afraid, worried, or stressed. For example, let’s say you feel overly stressed at work and you fear you can’t do all of the work you need to do. If that’s the case, then try this exercise: Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine that you are in a beautiful relaxed place in nature; perhaps a beach, mountain, or lake. Mentally breathe in the fresh air, experience the sounds, sights, and feelings of the gorgeous locale. By doing this, you will relax your mind. In place of anxious and worried thoughts, you will associate pleasant, relaxed feelings with your workplace. You will be happier and more productive as a result.
*Play to Your Strength. The theory of multiple intelligences tells us that individuals can have different kinds of talents (musical, kinesthetic, verbal, interpersonal, etc.). You probably have one strong talent or ability that you can utilize to build your confidence and reduce your fear, worry, and anxiety. Perhaps, you’re good with words, numbers, people, ideas, or machines. Whatever your greatest ability is, focus on developing and applying it as much as possible. In fact, your aim should be to spend about 80% of your time using your gift/talent and only 20% of your time (or less) on improving your areas of weakness. However, chances are you may be spending a lot more time working on your weaker areas and not enough time on building up your strength—this leaves you weakened and fills you with doubt and anxiety. Focus this week on devoting a majority of your time working on your strength, and you will feel more relaxed and capable as a result.
*Use Fear as an Ally. Realize that rational (realistic) fear can be a valuable asset. Evolutionary psychology tells us that we developed the fight or flight mechanism as a protective mechanism. When we face danger, our bodies are filled with chemicals that enhance our ability to run or fight so we can survive. Therefore, some fear can be adaptive and helpful (“don’t walk in a dark alley alone at night in a dangerous area”). Yet many people exaggerate fear and are afraid or anxious even in situations where there is very low (or no) risk of danger or harm. Therefore, your task is to use reasonable fear and caution as a friend (“get insurance, watch your diet, be wary of emotionally dangerous people”), while still maintaining your faith, confidence, and optimism. When fear starts to become the Fear Thought Demon (irrational and excessive fear), you can put a stop to it and say: “Fear Thought Demon, go away; you don’t control me anymore. I am confident, loving, and at peace. I am perfectly fine and happy without you.”
Love University students, go out this week, and declare a Fear Thought Demon free week. You will act like a lion, play to your strengths, and use rational fear as an ally for protection when necessary. Along the way, you will counteract excessive thoughts of fear with thoughts of success, power, and happiness. Make your mind a reservoir of positivity, and you will never have anything to fear. Only light, love, and joy will fill your mind and heart—enjoy every day, every hour, and every minute of your life with the fullest appreciation and contentment.

Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Would you like to find your soul mate for Valentine's Day? Join us for a special live event at Port's Restaurant in Corona Del Mar Feb 10th 7pm. On this special night, you will wear a color mask that represents your unique personality LoveType (romantic style). Then, you will mingle with other eligible singles as you learn the secrets of compatibility and partake in entertainment and delicious Persian food. At the end of the night, the masks come off, and you may find your compatible soul mate just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Get your tickets now while they last at Eventbrite: shorturl.at/dkrsu.
See you at the Dating Masquerade!

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Have you ever felt down and out—sad, depressed, and feeling like nothing seems to work? If so, you may have been under the influence of the Futility Thought Demon—the critical thought voice that tells you that you’re a failure and nothing will ever change. Now there’s a way to conquer the Futility Thought Demon and soar on the wings of self-love. Here are the secrets of emotional freedom we learned on the Love University Podcast:
*Ask yourself: “was I connected to my joy today?” Before you go to bed each night, reflect on the things that brought you joy during the day, perhaps, meditating or praying, communicating with loved ones, or enjoying some time outside in nature. Also, take note of the time you wasted on non-productive activities such as partaking in excessive social media or absorbing negative news. Strive each day to do the things you love, and you will elevate your mind and soul.
*Do the difficult things first. Make sure you handle the most important and emotionally challenging tasks at the beginning of your day. Make that difficult call, have an important discussion, do a crucial business task. When you get the difficult out of the way first, the rest of the day is easier, and you feel more confident and motivated.
*Access the power of positive habit. Every movement and thought requires energy. To improve your success and inner power, you need to build up positive habits and decrease negative habits. You can do this by managing the energy you expend in daily activities. For example, if you watch too much TV, you can move the TV remote to another part of the house so you have to walk to get it (spend energy). If you want to read more, put a book next to your couch in the living room to make it easier for you to access it. By doing these small actions, you restructure your mental patterns and accentuate positive activities that can help you build a better life.
*Give love without expectation. This is one of the most powerful secrets for vanquishing the Futility Thought Demon. Give kindness, appreciation, respect, and love to others—even to strangers. Smile, say “hi,” offer sincere compliments. Get to know other people in a deeper way; ask them questions about their dreams and values. Listen empathetically. When you do this, you not only help others, but you lift your mood from gloomy “poor me” to hopeful and loving “united we.” You see all people as part of you, and you as part of them—helping, loving, and growing.
Yes, you can defeat the gloomy and self-attacking thoughts in your head, the Futility Thought Demons of your mind. You can do this by being committed to your joy, doing the difficult thing first, accessing the power of positive habit, and loving without expectation. By doing these things, you will evaporate futility from your mind and bring love, joy, and good cheer into every ounce of your being.

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Do you feel shame, regret, or guilt for things you did or should have done? If so, you may be under the influence of the Bad Me Thought—the negative and critical inner voice that insists you screwed up, you’re a bad person, and you don’t deserve any better in life. On Love University podcast, we learned ways to eradicate the Bad Me Thought Demon—exaggerated shame and guilt—so you can live confidently and with peace and joy. Here’s what you can do to eliminate the Bad Me Thought Demon:
*Take moral inventory of your past actions and learn from them. If you made a mistake, acknowledge and learn from it. Maybe you hurt a loved one or messed up at work in a bad way. Resolve to apply the lessons learned to help you become a stronger and better person. You don’t have to beat yourself over the head constantly for your errors, blunders, and bad habits. You can grow from your experiences and move forward with your life.
*Affirm the Gift of Life. Instead of hiding from others and life because of the mistakes you’ve made, boldly enter the present and travel into the future. Embrace the gift of life and natural abilities you have been given by the Higher Nature (God, spirit, nature). Spend time with loved ones, do the hobbies and activities you love, and engage in a spiritual/meditative practice. Most importantly, shine your positive loving energy to everyone who crosses your path with a feeling of gratefulness and compassion.
*Catch others doing the right thing. There is an interesting psychological paradox. What we do to others, we often do to ourselves. When we condemn others, we are likely to condemn ourselves. When we forgive and are tolerant to others, we do the same for ourselves. To master the Bad Me Thought Demon, therefore, begin to reward people (verbally, affectionately) for saying and doing positive and uplifting things. Instead of being quick to judge, criticize, and condemn, develop empathy and put yourself in their shoes. Forgive them for their errors. With empathy, perhaps you realize that the person who made a cruel remark was having a bad day (family problems), and they are actually a decent and caring person. Strive to see the good in people, and you will start seeing the good in yourself.
Although some guilt can be useful to help you overcome weaknesses and remedy wrongs, the Bad Me Thought Demon exaggerates guilt and shame to humiliate and destroy you. The good news is that you don’t have to yield to its influence. While recognizing and learning from your mistakes, you can move forward to affirm the gift of life and help others along the way. After all, there is nothing for you to be ashamed about: You are human, you are free, and you are loved.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: You can bring more positivity and fun into your life by joining us at our Valentine’s Love Masquerade on February 10th, in Port’s Restaurant, Corona Del Mar. On this special evening, you will have a chance to meet compatible singles and perhaps find your soul mate. Click here for tickets: shorturl.at/dkrsu.

Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
There is a negative force that is out to get you. It is called the Thought Demons—the collection of all the negative and critical thoughts you’ve had in your mind since childhood. These include thoughts such as “You’re never make it. You’ll never find love. You’ll never be financially secure. You’re a loser.” The good news is that these voices can be defeated and you can live free from their malevolent influence. On Love University, we learned powerful techniques for eradicating the Thought Demons in your mind and finding joy and success. Here are the three steps of Thought Demon eradication:
*Identify the Thought Demon. In a journal, pad, or notebook write down the name of the particular negative or critical thought that is tormenting you the most at the moment. Maybe it’s the “Money Failure Thought Demon”—telling you that “You’re a loser with money. You will never have enough.” Draw what it looks like, with a certain color that represents its nature. Maybe, you will draw a skinny green goblin that laments the lack of money in your life.
*Talk back to the Thought Demon. Tell it, “I am smart and talented. I can make as much money as I want. I am stronger than you and I can make you disappear.” As you challenge the Thought Demon, realize that it has no power to harm or control you. You can be the master of your mind.
*Develop your Love Voice. Your love voice is the part of your mind that is loving, powerful, and healing. It tells you that you can succeed and you are worthy. To cultivate your Love Voice, think of all the love you have for your loved ones, friends, family, pets, work, and hobbies. When a Thought Demon tries to infiltrate your mind, think of all the good things in the world: the love between humans; the beauty of nature, and the great things that await you in the future.
The truth is that you can be free of the Thought Demons and get your mental life back. All you have to do is identify the critical thoughts, stand up to them, and develop your positive, healing Love Voice. When you do this, you can rid yourself of the Thought Demons and regain control over your mind. You can live effortlessly, with peace, power, hope, and love. Start today: Say goodbye to the Thought Demons and say hello to your authentic and confident loving nature.

Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Would you like to have ultimate confidence, success, and joy? You can have it by tapping into the majesty and power of the Higher Nature. Known by many names—God, spirit, nature, essence—the Higher Nature is the unifying principle of the universe. It is the all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving entity that gives you compassion and wisdom. The Higher Nature is not merely a religious or spiritual concept. It is a living symbol for something good that exists in you and beyond you—providing you with a personal experience of the immense potential of the universe. On our Love University podcast, we learned valuable tips for accessing the power of the Higher Nature to transform your life. Here’s what we learned:
*Do prayer walking. On a daily basis, speak to the Higher Nature (pray) as you walk. As you do this, notice the beauty and goodness of life. If you’re outdoors or in nature, look around and connect the concept of the Higher Nature to everything you see. If you see a tree, you can think, “Higher Nature, let me be big and strong like that tree.” When you observe a bird, you can remark: “Higher Nature, allow me to soar free like the bird." As you talk to the Higher Nature in this way, make sure you express gratitude as you see the Higher Nature in everything—rocks, trees, sunsets, sun, moon, animals—and recognize the special ingredient poured into all things: Love.
*Infuse everything you do with love. Think of the Higher Nature’s love for you in your daily activities. Brush your teeth and wash your face with love (be grateful you have teeth and a face). Realize that the Higher Nature gave you a great vessel (your body) that you can enjoy and grow with as you walk, eat, work, love, and connect to your Higher Nature.
*Extend loving energy without expectation. One of the greatest secrets of happiness is to give love to others without expecting anything in return. Think of your Higher Nature as a great friend who loves you without expectation. You can do the same for others: be kind, loving, and compassionate; smile at them, listen to them empathetically, and give from your heart, mind, and soul. You will do all of this without expecting anything in return, not even a smile or thank you. In this way, you enter a mental place of loving unity and oneness in which balance, peace, power, and love become your daily companions.
How do you access the Higher Nature? By realizing that the Higher Nature, at its core, is the culmination of all the love, goodness, mercy, peace, and power in the universe. When you see a young couple in love, or a newborn baby, you see the Higher Nature. When you see a person saying goodbye to their loved one (dying), you see the Higher Nature. With your new Higher Nature perspective, you perceive all people and all things as innately exquisite and beautiful—creations of the Higher Nature. Now you can move beyond a limited perception and see love in yourself, others, and the Higher Nature. Now all will be well in your inner and outer world. You are free.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
On our recent Love University episode, we welcomed back (in person and via flashbacks) our beloved former producer, Reggie. Reggie first came to us as an autistic, college-educated young man who was shy and had terrible luck with women. Now thirty, and never having a relationship with a woman, Reggie received dating advice from our Love University faculty of world-renowned matchmakers and love experts. Over the course of four years with the show, Reggie gained confidence in his dating and relationship skills, and is now on his way to finding the love of his life. In this retrospective, we pay honor to Reggie, and send him loving energy for an amazing future of love and happiness. Bon Voyage, Reggie, may your love be deep and your happiness everlasting.
Sincerely Dr. Alex Avila and the Love University Podcast Team

Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Would you like to rule your world? To have such power and mastery over your own mind and life that you can achieve your dreams and help others reach theirs? If the answer is “yes,” then you need to become a Love Warrior—a person who is strong, confident, and fearless, while at the same time. loving, empathetic, and compassionate. On Part Two of our Love Warrior (LW) series, we learned how to develop the amazing LW skill of Intelligent Selflessness—self-confidence and self-love combined with forgetfulness of self and loving and serving others. Here’s what you need to do to be an unstoppable Love Warrior who has Intelligent Selflessness:
*Do small good deeds. Open the door for someone, help an elderly person cross the street, listen to a hurting friend, help a needy person. When you do these small selfless acts, you build your internal enthusiasm and confidence for doing more for others as you uplift your own spirit in the process.
*Take pleasure in the success of others. The best way to defeat the cloud of envy is to be happy when others succeed. When you do this, you realize that the Universe is an abundant place that has more than enough resources for everyone, including you. Learn from other people’s successes and you will be successful as well, in your own way.
*Find selfless mentors. Study the lives of people—current or historical figures—who have made a great impact on the world through their selflessness and desire to help others. Model yourself after these inspiring individuals (Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Malala Yousafzai, people you know personally). Smile as they smiled, use humor like they did. Imitate their actions by bringing hope to the hopeless, food to the hungry, and love to the loveless.
*Lose your desire for time hoarding. In our busy world, many people think, “I don’t have time to help others; I barely have enough time for myself and my loved ones.” This is the wrong way to think. When you’re a Love Warrior, you realize that loving and serving others is the best possible use of your time. Although you practice self-care and meet the needs of your loved ones, you also make the time to extend love and support to others around you. You pause from your day to smile and say “hello,” listen attentively to hurting people, and do what you can to alleviate suffering. By doing this, you will not only help others, but you will also slow down and bring more calmness, relaxation, and contentment into your life.
When you become the Love Warrior, you will disarm aggression and fear, and you will create an atmosphere of peace, harmony, and understanding. At the same time, you will not be a pushover—you will know when to fight and stand your ground—as you vanquish cruelty and injustice. You will also know when to yield, serve, and give. In the end, your shield is understanding and your sword is love. Your ultimate aim as a Love Warrior is to bring harmony and love to the world, one person at a time.

Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
In a world of conflict and strife, there is one who stands above. This individual is called the Love Warrior: a person who defuses hostility and brings harmony, peace, and balance into any situation. On our Love University Podcast, we showed you how to become a Love Warrior in our contentious world—fighting for love, defeating nervousness, and finding victory with peace. On Part One of the Love Warrior Series, you will learn how to develop the powerful Love Warrior trait known as Confident Gentleness—being strong and confident, yet humble and loving. Here’s how you can become Confidently Gentle:
*Spend time with gentle creatures. Watch YouTube videos, or spend time with (perhaps even own) a gentle creature like the Golden Retriever or Llama. As you observe these special gentle animal beings, visualize absorbing their gentle spirit within yourself.
*Soften your voice. Become aware of how your voice changes when you are angry or upset. You may have a higher pitch, speak in an angry growl, or have a fast staccato voice. When you see yourself hardening and harshening your speech, make an effort to slow down and speak more softly. Take a deep breath and mentally repeat the words, “Gentle, soft, peaceful.” This will help defuse your anger and calm your mind.
*Be gentle with yourself. To be gentle with others, you first need to be gentle with yourself. Make sure you take the time to exercise, relax, spend time with loved ones, do your favorite hobbies/activities, and engage in a spiritual/meditative practice. Forgive your past mistakes or blunders. When you do this, you will love yourself more and develop an unshakeable inner confidence.
*Let others win momentary battles. Instead of fighting so hard with other people over trivial matters, let them win. Give someone the parking space you normally would fight over, allow the other person to have the last word in the argument. When you do this, you are not being a pushover or loser. You are winning because you have won without having to fight a battle. You have taught the other person the value of gentleness and peace of mind. You have your mind on a higher aim: Trading a life of hostility and fighting for one of peace and love.
You can be a Love Warrior: kind, compassionate, gentle, patient, firm, and confident. As a Love Warrior, you will respect yourself and others. You will set firm limits (boundaries) regarding the behavior of others toward you—you won’t let people take advantage of you. At the same time, you will be empathetic and compassionate. You realize that the angry or aggressive person is suffering from their own fiery nature. As a Love Warrior, you are not affected by the negativity of others because you live in a different place. It is called Love without expectation—you stand firm and love others and the world, without expecting anything in return. Now you are invincible. You are the true Love Warrior.

Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Would you like to be a full potential person? A full potential person is someone who maximizes their abilities and achieves their dreams. Maslow called it being self-actualized, being at the peak of your self-development and fully realizing your potential. You can go as far as you want in life by becoming a Full Potential Person—someone who is authentic, powerful, and loving. Here’s what we learned about becoming a Full Potential Person on our recent Podcast:
Follow Your Hara: In the martial arts, the Hara is the physical point two inches below the navel that is the center of balance, power, and intuition. When you focus on your Hara, you are tapping into your gut instinct, the part of you that knows what is right and true. When you’re faced with a difficult decision, close your eyes, breath deeply, and focus on the point two inches below your navel. Ask the Hara: What should I do? As your intuition becomes clearer, you will receive the right answer—now follow your gut.
Embrace the Unknown: When your Hara tells you to do something different, take a risk and do it. Talk to a new person, go to a different place, or try a new look or hobby. You never know what good will come of a new opportunity, a new opening in the door of life. When you talk to a new person, you don’t know where the conversation will lead you—maybe you will discover an interesting acquaintance or friend, or perhaps even a great business or romantic partner. Be open to trying new things and you will reap many benefits.
Build your “Zone of Excellence”: Have you ever been immersed in an activity you love, and you lost track of time and your worries? Everything felt natural and easy. This ultimate mental state is known as the “Zone of Excellence.” When you’re in the Zone of Excellence, you lose your self-conscious concerns, and you become one with the activity or circumstance you’re experiencing. To develop this Zone, you can begin by building up small moments of excellence; you can break down big goals into smaller tasks that you can accomplish and feel good about. For example, if you want to start a physical fitness program, you can begin by exercising a brief amount of time, perhaps 15-20 minutes at first. As you feel stronger and gather more momentum, you will gradually increase the time you spend exercising (thirty minutes, one hour). Soon, you will find yourself in the Zone of Excellence—that marvelous place of mind where you do everything with authenticity, confidence, and love.
Yes, you can become a Full Potential Person who makes your dreams come true. All you have to do is follow your Hara, embrace the unknown, and build your zone of excellence. When you do this, you will flow naturally with the rhythms of life. You will achieve your highest level of being and joy every moment of every day.

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Would you like to be irresistibly persuasive and appealing to others? You can develop more charisma—compelling attractiveness and charm—by following the principles we discussed on our recent Love University Podcast. With charisma, you generate confidence, goodwill, and trust. With charisma, you can overcome obstacles and attract the right people and circumstances into your life. Here’s what you need to do.
*Be Authentic. A charismatic person is genuine and authentic. Be true to yourself and express your real opinions instead of pretending to be someone you’re not just to impress others. Keep a notebook or pad in which you write down your daily interactions with others. Record the times you felt confident and authentic, and also when you felt insecure and fake. Then, strive to duplicate those scenarios in which you felt authentic and in control; charming and attractive. Maybe you feel more confident having technological discussions in certain chat rooms. Or, you may feel confident when you’re in religious/spiritual settings with likes-minded people of faith. Strive to reproduce as many confident and authentic moments so you can lock in the mental image of yourself as a powerful and genuine individual.
*Accentuate Your Similarities. It’s true that we tend to like people who share similar interests, perspectives, values, and goals. Therefore, when you talk to someone, it’s a good idea to focus on your similarities. Maybe you both lived in the same city before, went to the same school, or enjoy the same food or hobby. Ask questions and seek to establish conversational common ground. The key to this approach is to be sincere. Don’t pretend to like something just because you want the other person to like you. Genuinely find things that both of you have in common—sports, politics, spirituality/religion, hobbies, world events, values, or life perspective. When you share commonalities in attitudes and preferences with others, you will have a delightful conversation that can blossom into a nice friendship.
*Be generous. Genuinely charismatic individuals focus on the benefits they can offer to others—how they can help, serve, and give. Although they give freely, they are also aware of the universal law that the more positivity they put out into the world, the more they will receive in return. As a blossoming charismatic person, you also understand that generosity is not just about giving money to others. You can also be generous with your time, energy and emotional resources (being an empathetic listener). When you do this, others will appreciate your investment in them. They will tend to reciprocate and offer you something of value in return. However, even if a particular person doesn’t return your generosity, there’s a good likelihood that you will receive an equivalent benefit from someone else. It’s true that the Universe rewards the giver over time.
The good news is that you can be a charismatic person who attracts, persuades, influences, and contributes to the lives of others. Focus this week on being authentic, accentuating your similarities with others, and being generous. By doing this, you will tap into your natural charm and confidence, and you will be happier, have better relationships, and achieve more success than ever before. Charisma can be your superpower to help you achieve your dreams and help others achieve theirs. Begin your charisma program today.

Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Join Southern California’s most eligible singles on November 9th, 7PM at Curtis Theatre, Brea for the social and romantic networking event of the year. $10.00 includes a glass of wine and the chance to meet your soul mate.
By Dr. Alex Avila
Click here for your ticket to the Dating Masquerade: shorturl.at/uzCGZ
Click here for the full show: tinyurl.com/mr6h798h
Imagine walking into a room full of fun and classy singles who are wearing color masks based on their Love personality type. You proceed to meet interesting people as you ask four simple “magic” questions scientifically designed to help you find your most compatible match—from the inside out. Once you’ve made the right personality connections, the masks come off as you determine personal chemistry and possibly find your soul mate. Admission to the Dating Masquerade includes a complimentary glass of wine (open bar available) and a mask.
On this special night, November 9th 7PM, Dr. Alex Avila, Love Psychologist Extraordinaire, will unveil the secrets of love compatibility based on his classic bestseller: LoveTypes: Discover Your Romantic Style and Find Your Soul Mate. You will also have a chance to meet quality singles who may be compatible with you based on your LoveType, or romantic personality style.
Which LoveType are you?
Meaning Seeker (12% of the population): Intuitive Feeling: Love Psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and finding the meaning of life.
Knowledge Seeker (12% of the population): Intuitive Thinking: Enjoy science, technology, business, as well as analyzing and figuring things out.
Excitement Seeker (38% of the population): Practical Spontaneous: Relish fun, adventure, spontaneity and trying new things in different ways.
Security Seeker (38% of the population): Value tradition, security, duty, family, and doing things the right way.
Join us at for a night of fun and knowledge at the Dating Masquerade. You will learn a lot and have a chance to meet your compatible soul mate.

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
There is a science of mind and body that can transform your life. It is called Yoga. On Love University podcast, we welcomed beloved Yoga teacher, Mandeep (HOME | Kundalini Collective), as she enlightened us on the benefits and joys of yoga practice. Here is what we learned:
*Yoga offers many benefits. The practice of yoga improves mood, concentration, and decision-making, as well as the immune system, while reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. It can help in weight loss. It can teach trauma victims how to tolerate discomfort and integrate their past experiences into their mind and body. In addition, practicing yoga in a group setting can increase your sense of community, togetherness, and sharing.
*You can reduce your Monkey Mind. In the East, the “Monkey Mind” refers to all of the chattering thoughts you have in your head (“I have to pay bills; I’m late for work”) that prevent you from maintaining peace and relaxation. Fortunately, in yoga, you can practice Mudras (hand/finger movements) that occupy your body while your mind can relax. The good news is that you don’t have to sit still and think of nothing when you practice yoga meditation. You can chant, breathe, stretch, and perform mudras to integrate your mind, body, and spirit.
*Yoga can help you raise your consciousness. In her studio, Mandeep teaches Kundalini Yoga, a way to inner peace and union with the Higher Nature by uncoiling the energy within you. Kundalini yoga contains many schools of yoga in one teaching, one practice, and expresses Mandeep’s philosophy: “We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
You can raise your emotional, physical, and spiritual level by incorporating yoga practice into your daily life. By tapping into your inner energy and power, you can calm your Monkey Mind, release tension and fear, and develop a hopeful and optimistic outlook on life. It’s true that yoga can be a great tool for your inner and outer advancement. Remember: The way to union and peace comes from an everyday commitment to understanding and integrating your mind, body, and soul.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Do you really love yourself in an authentic way? Loving yourself authentically means that you have a deep understanding and appreciation of who you really are. You accept yourself as you are without excessively judging and criticizing yourself. For many people, authentic self-love is difficult because they judge themselves harshly and push themselves too hard. The solution is to have balanced self-love, in which you love and forgive yourself, while recognizing your areas of needed improvement. Here’s how to practice self-love in a healthy and powerful way:
*Write a self-love letter. Write a letter from the perspective of your future self. Write as if your future self is asking your present self an important question: Am I living my most authentic, healthy, and love-filled life right now? Perhaps, you’re not living healthily right now—eating the wrong foods, indulging in bad habits. Maybe, you’re not living an authentic and loving life because you’re in an incompatible relationship or career. If that’s the case, then you need to change course right now so your future self will benefit from your current decisions: practice healthy habits, choose the right career or relationship, and develop your inner and outer self.
*Practice radical self-care. Give special attention to your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Get enough rest and exercise, eat healthy, and engage in positive and life-affirming hobbies, occupations, and pursuits. When you do this, you are able to give more to others because you have more to give.
*Repeat a self-love mantra. Every morning when you wake up, repeat a phrase that acknowledges your specialness as a human being and the great gift you have been given, which is Life. Say something like this: “Today I am fortunate to wake up. I am alive. I am not going to waste this precious gift known as ‘Human Life.’ Instead of anger and fear, I will have thoughts of peace, love, confidence, and security. I am blessed.” When you repeat this phrase on a daily basis, you will unleash hidden power. Instead of seeing the world from a mindset of lack and insecurity, you will realize that there is an abundance of everything you need in the world, and within yourself.
It's important to remember that healthy self-love is not egotism, selfishness, or narcissism. It is a balanced appreciation and acceptance of who you really are, while recognizing the specialness of all human beings. When you love yourself authentically, you have more love to give to others. You also have more energy, vitality, and confidence to achieve your greatness and leave a lasting legacy of goodness, love, and contribution. Love yourself today, and spread your love to the world without expectation. That is the greatest secret of all.

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022

Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
You have a tremendous power near your navel. It is called the Hara. In Eastern philosophy and martial arts, the Hara is the physical point that exists two inches below your navel. When a martial artist is centered in their Hara, they cannot be pushed or pulled by another person, no matter how strong the other individual is. They have tremendous one-point focus. In today’s Love University Podcast, you will learn how to apply the power of the Hara—one point focus—to maintain your mental balance and actualize your dreams. Here’s what you can do:
*Ask yourself: What’s the most important thing I need to do today that would make everything else unnecessary? By narrowing your focus to your ultimate goal for the day—family, health, spiritual development, creativity—everything else will tend to fall into place. When you do the most important thing first, you will find that you have enough time and energy to take care of the practical and mundane aspects of life.
*Redirect your Distractions: Distractions fill your world—technology, people, things to do, your own thoughts. To maintain a one-point focus, you need to be aware of, and eliminate, distractions. In a pad or notebook, write down all the things that distract you and drain your energy on a daily basis, whether it’s social media, needless texts, or negative news. Also, write down how you feel when you participate in the distracting activity (sad, worried, stressed). Now, redirect your attention and focus to the things that really matter and make a positive difference in your life—career/work, family, spiritual and physical health, and improving your state of mind. When you do this, you will be more focused, peaceful and powerful.
*Practice the Million Mile Palm: In this exercise, you will stand with your right foot in front, and feet shoulder length apart. You will inhale deeply and bring your right palm up to your face (palm facing to the left). Now imagine that there is a solid brick next to your face that represents the most serious problem or obstacle that stands in the way to achieving your ultimate goal. Perhaps, you see the barrier as being a lack of money, ability, education, and so forth. Next, as you exhale, quickly and explosively extend your palm straight out as far as you can reach as if you were pushing through the brick, one million miles into the distance. As you do this, visualize that you have already accomplished your goal, whether it’s a great relationship, amazing job, impeccable health, or sterling financial/career success.. Rejoice. You have broken through the mental barrier that has kept you from fulfilling your dream by going one million miles beyond it.
It's true. With practice and perseverance, you can develop the pure power of unadulterated one-point Hara focus. With an inalterable focus and disciplined mind, you will blast beyond the barriers and obstacles of life to reach your ultimate destination: Love, success, and happiness.

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Do you feel as if time is always running out, as if you’re constantly rushed? There is a remarkable remedy. It is called Patience—the art of taking life slow and easy and waiting for good things to come to you. With patience, you can accomplish more in less time, while being relaxed, at peace, and content. Here are some of the patience secrets we learned on Love University podcast this week:
*Hang around with patient people. Spend time with individuals who are patient and relaxed. For example, be around wise, elderly individuals, or those who take the time to help others. When you're around patient people, you can “catch” their patient energy. You will adopt their relaxed, easy-going approach to life, and you will achieve better results in the long run.
*Let go until you feel underwhelmed. Decrease your activities until you feel there is nothing particularly important for you to do. Take an hour, several hours, or even a day to do absolutely nothing important or urgent. Cancel or postpone activities until you feel restless. In reality, you’re not wasting time, but you’re conserving your energy for the truly important things: being creative, spending time with your loved ones, and taking care of your emotional and physical health.
*Use imagination to increase your patience. Researchers have found that imagination can increase your patience without needing to rely on increased willpower. For example, if you’re single, you can imagine what your soul mate will look like and be like, and how you will feel in their presence. When you do this, you will have the motivation and patience to wait for the right person to come into your life.
*Choose the longer line. Intentionally put yourself in situations where you have to wait. For example, choose the longer line at the store. Although the impatient part of your mind may scream at you to keep moving, you can develop your patience muscles in this way. As you wait in the longer line, you can learn something about yourself and others. You can observe other people, as well as your own thoughts and emotions. You may even start a conversation in line and make a new friend or gain valuable information. As you do this, you will realize that there are many benefits to being patient.
With patience, you realize that you have a greater purpose in life—to love and be loved. As a result, minor conveniences, annoyances, and delays no longer bother you. Also, you enjoy a great paradox when you are patient: You actually achieve faster and better results. Because you take your time, you won’t rush and make mistakes that you later have to correct. With patience, you can build your mental mansion of joy and success as you enjoy peace and serenity, every step of the way.

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Is life getting you down? Do you feel overwhelmed, sad, or anxious about the future? If so, then there’s a great solution for you. Our marvelous guest on Love University Podcast, Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D., happiness expert extraordinaire (Uplifted, 2022), shared her recipe for living an uplifted, peaceful, and joyful life. Here’s what we learned:
*Practice the Golden Rule without guarantees. When you treat others the way you would like to be treated, you are practicing the Golden Rule. When you are kind and giving to others without expecting anything in return, you are offering unconditional love to the world. By doing this, the universe will return the favor in amazing ways by giving you the people, resources, and opportunities that will light up your life.
*Treat your mind like a garden. Susan tells us that our minds are like gardens where we plant our thought seeds. In life, it’s true that we can control three major things: What we eat, how we move (exercise), and what we think. Therefore, if you want a beautiful mental garden filled with flowers of compassion, love, and goodness, then you need to plant those thought seeds in your mind first (think positive and loving thoughts).
*Look for meaningful coincidences. In her life, Susan has many stories of being open to meeting new people and experiencing amazing and uplifting coincidences. In one case, Susan was having a nature outing, and she randomly met a crying, depressed woman. She stopped to give her advice and recommended that she stay at Susan’s favorite bed and breakfast in England (the woman had always wanted to go to England). Before long, the crying lady went to England and met the owner, who turned out to be a brother whom she had never met (she was adopted). As a result, they began a beautiful family relationship, and Susan was overjoyed that she could help. The message: Be on the lookout for chance meetings and random occurrences that can transform your life.
*Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. When you want something very much, don’t just think about it. Ask yourself what you would feel (happy, excited) if you had what you desired (love, career success). Then, go around with that feeling in your heart, and chances are, you will attract the very person, thing, or circumstance you desire.
*Speak kindly—you may have to eat your words. Susan gives us very valuable advice: You never know when your words may come back to you; therefore, always speak kindly and lovingly to others. If you are rude and critical to others, they will probably be the same way toward you (or they will secretly resent you). But, if you speak with kindness and encouragement, you will create more harmonious and positive relationships.
*Instead of asking “Why is this happening to me?” ask “Why is this happening for me?” Susan advises us to stop playing the victim role. Although you may have, in reality, suffered or have been a victim, you can choose to move on from your pain and go in a positive direction with what you have learned. The good news is that every door that closes opens a new door to possibility, hope, and love. Be open to learning from your past and growing into a wonderful new future.
Susan concludes with a simple truth: Love is the ultimate force in the Universe. Tap into it and you will achieve your fullest potential. When you love yourself, you become stronger, and you can love others more. When you love a Higher Nature (God, spirit, nature), you will receive the faith power to be optimistic and resilient when things get tough. Because you know that the Higher Nature is guiding you and wants the best for you, you will feel confident, peaceful, and secure. And, finally, Susan concludes, “Laugh and the whole world laughs with you.” There is nothing more beautiful than a world of laughing and joyous people who see the beauty and wonder of life. Laugh and you will uplift yourself and the world.

Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
On our recent Love University episode, we welcomed back (via flashbacks) our beloved former producer, Reggie. Reggie first came to us as an autistic, college-educated young man who was shy and had terrible luck with women. Nearly thirty, and never having a relationship with a woman, Reggie received dating advice from our Love University faculty of world-renowned matchmakers and love experts. Over the course of four years with the show, Reggie gained confidence in his dating and relationship skills, and is now on his way to finding the love of his life. In this retrospective, we pay honor to Reggie, and send him loving energy for an amazing future of love and happiness. Bon Voyage, Reggie, may your love be deep and your happiness everlasting.

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Would you like to have amazing health and a wonderful body? On our Love University podcast, we learned how to live long and healthy. The key is to treat your body like a temple—respecting it, taking care of it, and recognizing its psychological and spiritual value in your life. Here’s what you can do to create an wonderful, strong, and amazing body:
*Do fitness that fits you: Find an exercise practice that motivates you, whether it’s weightlifting, dance, running, martial arts, or the like. When you do an exercise you enjoy, you are more likely to continue doing it, and you will get in better shape.
*Reward Yourself: Give yourself a reward whenever you hit an exercise goal (a certain amount of weight lifted or aerobic time), or a diet milestone (cut down on fatty foods; increase vegetables). Maybe you will buy yourself a new outfit, get a new CD, book, or DVD; or you will treat yourself to a massage or social outing. When you reinforce yourself for reaching your exercise and diet goals, you will feel more motivated to continue setting even higher goals for yourself.
*Commit to love your body as an instrument of the Higher Nature. Your body is your greatest physical treasure. Every day when you wake up, say to yourself, “I am grateful for you, my body. I will do everything I can to make you healthy, to increase your energy and power, and to use you for good while I’m here on earth. I love you, my body. You are my great friend. You belong to me for all of the wonderful purposes I desire, for all of the enjoyments I can experience, and for all of the contributions I can make to the world while I still have you. Thank you, body, for all you have given me.”
Honor Your Body Temple: Your Instrument of Peace, Love, and Joy
When you see your body as a sacred and loving instrument of the Higher Nature, your perspective on health and fitness will change. Where before, you may have stuffed yourself with food or harmful substances, neglected your exercise and sleep, and mistreated your body, now you know better. You begin to realize what a marvelous gift your body is. You recognize all of the amazing things that you can accomplish while you’re still in your body. You appreciate your body’s ability to experience, learn, grow, contribute, and love.
To keep your body strong and healthy, make sure you get enough exercise and maintain a healthy diet and adequate sleep. Also, participate in stress-reduction activities such as meditation, spiritual practice, leisure activities, and time spent with loved ones. When you do these things, you will help your body develop immunity to disease. You will enjoy your fullest longevity, and you will actualize your greatest emotional and spiritual potential. Always remember: Your body is your temple for excellence, love, and joy. Protect it, honor it, take care of it, and use it for your maximum higher purpose, every day of your life.

Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Sunday Jul 31, 2022

Saturday Jul 16, 2022
Saturday Jul 16, 2022

Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Are you a sapiophile—someone who is attracted to intelligence in a prospective mate? If so, the Knowledge Seeker could be the ideal match for you. On Love University, we discussed the GuyType (personality style) known as the Knowledge Seeker—the intellectual type of person who has a strong intuition and logic. If you’re interested in being with a Knowledge Seeker, here’s what you need to know to win their heart:
*Be competitive with them. Knowledge Seekers like to compete. Engage them in a stimulating game of chess, poker, or word game. Let them know you’re up for the intellectual challenge and they will be attracted to you.
*Develop a taste for sarcasm. They often enjoy sarcastic humor. If you’re a more feeling type, don’t take it personally when they say sarcastic things to you. See the humor in what they’re saying and realize that your witty companion likes to play with words and it’s not an attack against you.
*Demonstrate your competence. Knowledge Seekers value smart and competent people. They can’t stand incompetence. Show off your talents, brag about your accomplishments, showcase your education or awards. Although other types may be turned off by too much prideful boasting, the Knowledge Seeker will respect and admire you for your successes and abilities.
*Put on your debate hat. This personality type loves to argue and debate in an intellectual and emotionally detached way. Debate them on the latest hot and controversial topics involving politics, religion, sex, technology, law, and finance. Don’t worry about things getting heated—they love a back and forth debate on the issues as an intellectual exercise.
*Don’t overwhelm them with touchy feely stuff. Most Knowledge Seekers are not overly emotional. Although they can logically understand feelings, they don’t want to be smothered by them. If you’re a feeler yourself (you make decisions based on your emotions), then learn how not to take things personally with the Knowledge Seeker. Save your feelings for your priest or shrink (or your best girlfriend). With the Knowledge Seeker, keep it mainly objective and logical and you’ll get along just fine.
The Knowledge Seeker may not for everyone. If you’re a Knowledge Seeker yourself (high in Intuition and Thinking), then they are probably your best love match. If you’re more of a feeling personality, a relationship with them can be more of a challenge—you can be hurt by their sharp criticisms, and they can be feel flooded by your emotional side. Yet, if you’re a Feeler, you can still make it work with a Knowledge Seeker (you can balance each other), provided that you respect each other’s style. Ideally, however, you would do well with a Knowledge Seeker if you’re one yourself. It’s true that when the Knowledge Seeker is your mate, you will be with a marvelously interesting partner who can solve the puzzles of the universe and motivate you to find your own inner genius.

Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Would you like to find a soul mate who is intuitive, sensitive, romantic, and wants to find the meaning in life? If so, then your ideal match may be the Meaning Seeker—a unique personality type that loves psychology, philosophy, spirituality, the arts, and finding the meaning in life. On Love University Podcast, we discussed the unique characteristics of this Meaning Seeker GuyType (romantic personality style), as well as where to meet them, how to win their heart, and how to have a great, long-term relationship with them. Here's what we learned:
1. Go Where the Meaning Is: To meet a Meaning Seeker, get involved in online or offline groups that revolve around psychology, philosophy, spirituality, the arts, and humanitarian/philanthropic ventures. The Meaning Seeker wants to make a difference in the world, and you can help them do just that if the two of you unite your missions and values.
2. Communicate with words of meaning and feeling. Meaning Seekers are hopeful romantics. They appreciate words of endearment like “Honey” and “Sweetheart,” as well as true gifts of appreciation (a handwritten note or poem). They also like to discuss deep, philosophical topics such as life after death, intelligent beings in others universes, and how to bring more love and compassion to the world.
3. Express yourself through spirituality. Meaning Seekers are often spiritual or religious individuals who want to understand the purpose of life and bring their talents to fruition to help the world. Pray, meditate, and take spiritual workshops with your Meaning Seeker Soul Mate. Help each other achieve the fullest potential and you will have a happy and loving relationship.
The Meaning Seeker (intuitive and feeling) can be the best mate for you. Always striving for growth, improvement and intimacy, they are excellent mates and spouses. Start today and express your authenticity and love toward others and the world, and you may soon find yourself with the Meaning Seeker love of your life.

Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Have you ever thought about expanding your consciousness—thinking beyond yourself? In the popular movie, Limitless, a man who was struggling in life takes a pill that expands his cognitive abilities beyond anything he dreamed of, giving him great powers. Our fascinating guest on Love University, Dr. Jahan Khamsehzadeh enlightened us on the use of “magic mushrooms” (hallucinogenic) to achieve enlightenment and higher consciousness. According to Dr. Jahan, Psilocybin (the psychedelic compound in the mushrooms) has been used for thousands of years by native cultures to achieve higher understanding. On our program, Dr. Jahan discussed ways for the average person to achieve enlightenment and reduce suffering by using Psilocybin in medically and legally accepted ways. Here are some of the interesting findings he shared with us:
*Psilocybin has medical and therapeutic benefits. In studies at John Hopkins and other research centers, Psilocybin has been found to reduce depression, death anxiety, and the urge to smoke (80% of Psilocybin users quit versus only 15-30% using other methods). Moreover, Psilocybin is currently being studied to determine its effects on improving other psychological disorders such as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Anxiety Disorders.
*Psilocybin may elevate consciousness, understanding, and self-acceptance, According to Dr. Jahan, psilocybin can increase a sense of openness and connection in a person’s mind, while diminishing self-consciousness (“What’s going to happen to me?”). As a result, an individual who uses Psilocybin in measured doses (even small doses known as microdosing), can be more creative, positive, and balanced. They are less fearful of the future and can experience a sense of unity and love within themselves, others, and the Universe.
*Psilocybin needs to be used under proper guidance and in adherence to local laws and accepted medical practices. It's important to recognize the legal and medical limitations to Psilocybin use. Currently Psilocybin can be legally used in certain research settings, and Oregon is the first state to pass a law that will establish a framework for Psilocybin use (some countries may also permit legal use). Moreover, according to Dr. Jahan, Psilocybin is not a substitute for therapy, spiritual practice, or other prescribed medications. Moreover, psilocybin use may pose risks for certain individuals with traumatic memories as well as those who have cardiovascular issues and other medical conditions.
Although the use of Psilocybin for therapeutic use in the US currently has legal limitations, and research is still ongoing as to its benefits and risks, there is growing research to indicate that it can provide certain life-changing therapeutic and medical advantages. Although we’ve made a lot of progress in studying the human brain, there is still a lot we don’t know. It is an intriguing possibility that the use of ancient healing and transformative methods like the magic mushroom can give us insight on how to transcend our everyday consciousness and achieve greater joy, health, and love.

Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Are you an Introvert or an Extravert? Your social energy style can determine a lot about you and your best match in a long-term relationship. Introverts primarily like to get energy from their own thoughts and enjoy spending quiet, private time alone or with a few close friends. Extraverts primarily like to get energy from other people in social settings; they often have a lot of friends and acquaintances and love to socialize. On Love University Podcast, we talked about my book, GuyTypes, and explored the unique worlds of Introverts and Extraverts in love and relationships. Here’s what you need to know to have a great relationship, whether you’re an Introvert or an Extravert:
*Determine Your Social Energy Style (Introvert/Extravert). Before you seek a love partner, it’s important that you know yourself first. To determine your Social Energy Style (Introvert/Extravert), ask yourself the “Fun Question”: What do you like to do for fun in your spare time? If you like to spend a lot of time reading, writing, thinking, listening to music, meditating, surfing the net, watching TV, or doing a hobby by yourself, then you’re likely an Introvert. You make up about 50.7% of the population—and are drawn to more introspective careers like engineering, science, research psychology, writing, accounting, and certain types of law. If you’re an Extravert, you make up about 49.3% of the population, and you like to spend a majority of your time in the outside world and with other people in social settings. You enjoy parties, social gatherings, networking, live music venues, comedy clubs, concerts, and spending time with your many friends and acquaintances. You are drawn to fields such as sales, teaching, politics, acting/entertainment, and human relations.
*Appreciate Your Social Energy Style. Before you can love others, you need to love yourself. If you’re an Introvert, make sure you appreciate that you are an internal person who can come up with great ideas. You’re also a good listener, empathetic, and loyal (you like to settle in with the person you’re with). As an Extravert, you can be grateful for your abundant social energy and ability to communicate and connect with others. You are a lively, vivacious, and charismatic mate who brings fun and adventure to your partner’s life. Regardless of whether you’re an Introvert or an Extravert, make sure you embrace and love your Social Energy style. If you do so, you will be happier with yourself and your love partner.
*Identify your ideal mate’s social energy style: Once you know and embrace your own Social Energy Style, ask the “Fun Question” to determine the type of the person who is the best match for you. Research shows that similarities in this personality dimension (two Introverts or two Extraverts) do well together in long-term relationships. For example, an Introvert couple can enjoy their nights at home or with a few close friends. They tend to have a quiet, calm, and loving relationship. Also, two Extraverts in a relationship can be great love and business partners, as they excel at human interaction, networking, and marketing. Their time together can be a never-ending party of fun social times with the people they care about.
One of the keys to a successful relationship is to respect your partner’s personality type. This is especially important if you’re in an opposites attract relationship; for example, an Introvert with an Extravert. If you’re an Introvert, you can respect your Extravert’s need to go out and connect with people without taking it personally (“You don’t love me”). If you’re an Extravert, you can appreciate your Introvert’s calming nature and their desire to spend time with you at home. In the end, compatible love is based on appreciation, respect, and mutual goals. If you can blend your strengths with your partner’s natural abilities, you will have a great relationship that stands the test of time.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Do you have hidden genius? Although genius has various definitions, it’s true that there are untapped areas of your mind that you can access to achieve better results and happiness in life. On Love University podcast, we had the pleasure of having as our guest, Dr. Timothy Wilson, award-winning social psychologist and pioneer in the fields of adaptive unconscious (Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious: Wilson, Timothy D.: 8601404753879: Books - Amazon) and self-knowledge (Redirect: Changing the Stories We Live By: Wilson, Timothy D., Gilbert, Daniel: 8806391102055: Books: Amazon.com). ). On the show, he enlightened us on new research into the amazing abilities of our brain and how we can access these higher order connections. Here’s what we learned:
*Become Friends With Your Adaptive Unconscious. The Adaptive Unconscious is the quick thinking, effortless, unconscious part of your mind that interprets information and helps guide you through life without you realizing it. Malcom Gladwell calls it “Thin Slicing”—your mind’s ability to come up with generally accurate findings and conclusions based on a small amount of information in a short period of time. Some people call it “gut instinct,” or “intuition.” To tap into your Adaptive Unconscious, observe your own behavior so you can determine what you’re really thinking or feeling inside (Are you helping someone because you want to feel better than them, or because you genuinely like them?). When you are aware of how the Adaptive Unconscious works, you will make better and quicker decisions, you will be more accurate in your assessments of yourself and others, and you will live in a more positive and self-enhancing way.
*Redirect your inner stories. Your narrative or inner story is what you believe about yourself. It is your internal script and self-concept; what you tell yourself about yourself and life. Do you have a Money Scarcity Story (“Money doesn’t grow on trees”) or a Wealth Story (“I can gain more riches—material, emotional, and spiritual—every day”)? Your story shapes your thoughts, feelings, actions, and ultimately your life. If you have a negative or self-defeating story playing in your head, here are some ways Dr. Wilson suggests you can change, or redirect your story, to a more positive one.
There are three ways to do this:
- Step back and ask Why? In this exercise you will recall an upsetting event and see yourself as a “fly on the wall”—standing a good distance from the situation to observe it. When you do this, you will see the event from a bigger perspective and you will ask yourself, “Why did I feel like I did at the time.” Perhaps, you felt insecure that your lover would leave you so you reacted with unreasonable jealousy and anger (you lost the relationship). Now that you see that, you can forgive yourself, and move to a place of harmony and healing.
- Imagine Your Best Possible Self. Imagine your best possible self and life in the future. See what you will look like, what you will be doing, who will be around you, and how you will feel 5 or 10 years into the future. Then, ask yourself, “How did I get here?” Maybe you took a certain career path, became involved in certain preferred activities, and met great people, including a wonderful romantic partner. By focusing on how you did it, you will have a clear roadmap to how to achieve your future success and happiness.
- Do Good, Be good. One of the interesting paradoxes in life is that you can change your feelings and thoughts by doing certain actions. If you act like a good and loving person—give to the needy, volunteer to help others—you will start to feel like a quality and loving person. This will, in turn, motivate you to be more giving and helpful—thereby creating a positive feedback loop of positivity and contribution
Yes, it is possible to tap into hidden aspects of your mind to accelerate your success and well-being. As Dr. Wilson’s research indicates, you can transform your life by becoming aware of how your Adaptive Unconscious works, and by redirecting your inner stories/narrative to positive, uplifting ones that enable you to live your best life possible. At the end of the day, happiness boils down to 3 universal truths: Know yourself, Love Yourself, and Help Others. If you do this, you can begin to actualize your fullest potential and enjoy a life of joy, love, and contribution.

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Are you the type of person who loves fun, excitement, and adventure? If so, you may be the unique personality known as the Excitement Seeker—someone who is spontaneous and enjoys the sensory pleasures of life. If this sounds like you, then it’s important that you understand how to maximize your personality strengths, as we discussed on our latest edition of Love University Podcast. Here are some tips to upgrade your life in love and success:
*Don’t be too generous too soon. Because you are usually an optimistic person, you believe that there is “always more where that came from,” whether it’s money, people, resources, time, and the like. As a result, you may be too generous when you first meet someone, especially in a romantic context. You may overgive with presents, time, energy, and attention. It’s a good idea to control your tendency to give too much at the beginning because it may overwhelm people and make them doubt your sincerity. Instead, give in a measured way as you observe how the other person reacts (and reciprocates in return).
*Don’t make promises you can’t keep: Because you’re often excited and enthusiastic when meeting new individuals, you may overstate or exaggerate your ability to do certain things (“I can get you that new job” or “This investment idea will make you millions”). Watch your words carefully and only promise what you can actually deliver so that others will maintain faith and confidence in you.
*Don’t immediately dismiss a “boring” person. You’re the type of person who likes to joke, laugh, and have a lot of fun. When you first meet a new person, you may judge them on your high “fun” standard. However, they may often fall short, especially if they are one of the more serious Introverted types. However, that quiet, “boring” person may be the ideal for you in a romantic relationship, friendship, or business partnership. They could be the Yin to your Yang; the water to your fire—the individual who can bring balance and harmony into your life. Give them the benefit of the doubt and get to know them.
*Focus your energies on one person or goal at a time: As an Excitement Seeker, you may have a tendency to have too many things going at once. You may date several people or get involved in various money-making ventures at the same time—consequently spreading yourself too thin. Instead, concentrate on spending the most time with the person you really like, and working on the project that excites your passion the most. If you do this, you will achieve much better results, and you will be more content in the long run.
If you’re an Excitement Seeker, you have a lot of fun, excitement, pizzazz, and charisma to contribute to the world. When you meet new people, dazzle them with your fun and spontaneous nature, but also make sure you temper your enthusiasm with practicality and prudent observation. When you do that, you will have the best of both worlds—spontaneity and planning, fun and serious intent. Now the world will truly be at your feet.

Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
How important is security in your life? In our topsy turvy and chaotic world, we need safety and security more than ever before. If you’re a Security Seeker personality type, you’re someone who is practical, structured, and schedule-orientated. For you, relationships represent family, tradition, loyalty, and long-term commitment. On Love University, we learned some valuable tips to help Security Seekers find love and happiness, as follows:
*Your best match in love is a fellow Security Seeker: If you’re single, you can find a compatible Security Seeker by getting involved in groups or activities that cater to family, church (volunteer), the community (neighborhood watch, chamber of commerce), and country (grassroots political organizations). Together, you and your Security Seeker mate can build a stable and secure family life that is rewarding and long-term.
*Develop your spontaneous side. Although you respond well to structure, it’s good to “let your hair down” once in a while and be a little spontaneous. Try a new restaurant or activity; go to work in a different route; change your hair or clothes. Be a little adventurous to balance out your more cautious and skeptical side.
*Practice self-care: As a Security Seeker, you like to take care of others and make sure they feel safe and secure. Sometimes, however, you neglect your own well-being to help others. Make sure that you take time for yourself: Exercise, eat healthy, engage in recreational/hobby time; get a massage, facial, spa day or take a “me day (relaxing and doing what you love).” When you rejuvenate yourself, you will feel better, and you will have more to give to others.
Security Seekers are the people who keep our civilization from crumbling to the ground. As a Security Seeker, you are the glue of society; you keep everything running on time, and you make sure that we are comfortable and safe. Celebrate your nature and realize how important you are to yourself and the world. When you do that, you will experience greater joy, happiness, and of course, security.

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Are you hard on yourself and find it difficult to forgive yourself for past mistakes? If so, you may be under the influence of the Regret Thought Demon—that malevolent thought voice that torments you about what you “should have and could have done.” The good news is that there is an antidote to regret and self-attack. It is called “Forgiveness”—the final secret of happiness—as discussed on our latest episode of Love University. Here is some of the wisdom that we learned from the sage, Master Tanaka, on the ultimate lesson of self-liberation known as Forgiveness:
*Forgive others for harms done to you. Forgive others even if they don’t deserve or merit your forgiveness. You forgive because you deserve to experience the true joy and incredible feeling of wiping your slate clean. When you forgive others, you erase the pain of the past and fill your mind with love and compassion. Remember: The world doesn’t owe you anything. You owe the world your forgiveness. Instead of being mired in your own “poor me” mindset (“How could they do that to me?”), realize that forgiveness is your ultimate weapon against those who hurt you. When you forgive them, you have taken away the only things they can hold you with: Anger, resentment, and hate.
*Banish Regret: Forgive yourself for real or imagined errors. For many people, it is harder to forgive themselves than it is to forgive others. They are hard on themselves, self-critical, thinking: “Why did I stay in that relationship so long (or leave too early?”). “Why did I stay in that unfulfilling career instead of choosing work that would utilize my talents and bring me joy?” An important key to happiness is to eliminate regret from your mind and forgive yourself for your real or imagined errors. When you do that, you can be self-loving and have a clear mind to make the right decisions.
*Self-Forgiveness Exercise: As the pompous psychiatrist, Harry, learned in the Three Secrets of Happiness story, you can also practice self-forgiveness and liberate your mind from the pain of the past. Try this exercise: Imagine a time when you believe you made a big mistake. Perhaps, you lost a love relationship because of actions you took, and you still feel great regret and pain as a result. Now visualize that your Older You, the way you are right now, is saying to your Younger You, “I forgive you,” softly, gently, and lovingly. Imagine that the two Yous are hugging each other to the rhythms of forgiveness—bringing your past and present selves together at one moment in time. Experience this feeling of self-compassion and unity, as the two Yous support and care for each other. Do this exercise, and you will feel lighter and more at peace. You will experience the greatest gift of all: Love.
If you’ve been listening to our 3 Secrets of Happiness series on Love University, you know the ultimate recipe for lasting joy: Gratitude, Joyful Optimism, and Forgiveness (self-forgiveness). Gratitude is the gift of present appreciation for what you have now. Joyful Optimism is looking for the best in your future. And, forgiveness is what liberates you from the thought chains of the past. The great news is that these secrets are already within you. They are not dependent on money, status, career, or other people. They are your inheritance as a creation of the Higher Nature. Now go out and enjoy the 3 Secrets of forever joy and teach them to others. When you do this, you will reach your greatest potential and claim your deepest joy.

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Are you a Meaning Seeker? A Meaning Seeker is someone who is intuitive and sensitive, and who loves psychology, philosophy, spirituality, the arts, and finding the meaning in life? On our Love University Podcast, GuyTypes special edition, we delved into the romantic and relationship lives of Meaning Seekers. We also learned valuable tips for helping them find (and keep) a compatible romantic partner.
If you’re a Meaning Seeker:
*Your best match is usually a Meaning Seeker: If you’re Meaning Seeker, your best romantic partner is also Meaning Seeker. Both of you have a lot in common because you see the world through your imagination, intuition, and feeling. As Meaning Seekers, your goal is to fulfill a “life mission” to help the world and leave a lasting legacy for all to see. To meet a fellow Meaning Seeker, get involved in activities and groups that involve interests in psychology, spirituality, literature, and the arts.
*Be straightforward: Because you don’t want to hurt your partner’s feelings, you may sugarcoat things to avoid conflict. However, this may not be good for your relationship because you leave important things unsaid. A better approach is to recognize that there are times when you need to be direct and blunt because you need to say something that is important, even though it may be unpleasant and uncomfortable.
*Have a healthy skepticism when dating: Because you tend to be trusting, and even naïve at times (expecting the best from everyone), you may be surprised by deceitful, manipulative, and toxic dating partners. Therefore, when you’re getting to know a new romantic partner, it’s a good idea to ask yourself: “Is their behavior matching their words? Can I trust this person?”
*Always maintain your authenticity: Because you are a unique type—only 19.2% of females and 13.5% of males—you may try to compromise your nature to fit in and be liked. Avoid doing that. Instead, strive to express the way you really feel—your authentic nature. When you are true to yourself, you will naturally attract the right person who resonates with your style.
As a Meaning Seeker, you have a lot of wonderful qualities to offer a mate: empathy, compassion, intuition, and feeling, among other things. You are the type of person who can inspire your partner to great heights of success, love, and happiness, as you experience those things for yourself as well. Although you may be disappointed when you can’t seem to find someone who matches your lofty values and preferences, rest assured that you will eventually meet your ideal Meaning Seeker soul mate. All you have to do is be authentic and extend your loving energy to the world without expectations. When you do this, the right person will come into your life. Here’s to love.

Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
There are secrets to Happiness; time-honored lessons for finding true contentment and lasting joy. In our latest podcast, Love University, Invincible You, Special Edition, we learned about one of the most important secrets to finding happiness: Gratitude. Gratitude is a warm feeling of thankfulness toward others, the world, and a Higher Nature. Happy people are grateful, at all times. On this week’s show, we learned some wonderful lessons about gratefulness from Master Tanaka, the protagonist in our modern fable of personal transformation, The 3 Secrets of Happiness. Here is what we learned:
*Gratitude is Living in the Now, in the Present Moment. To have Gratitude fill your heart, simply appreciate everything that you are experiencing right now. Instead of dwelling on the past (regrets) or future (worries), keep your thoughts on the now. Express a deep caring and thankfulness for all of the good things in your life at this very moment: friendship, love, family, creativity, contribution, pleasurable and fun experiences, all of the modern conveniences and advantages of our technological world, and life itself.
“Be Grateful Even for Even the “Bad” Things in Your Life. Your gratitude will skyrocket when you can find gratitude in even the most difficult of life circumstances. It’s easy to be grateful for the benefits and rewards of life. But how about the difficult and painful things; can you be grateful for those too? If you can, your gratitude will grow exponentially. The key is to find the positive in the negative. If you’re in a traffic jam, for example, be grateful that you have extra time to think, meditate, pray, or listen to music—you might get a great idea while you’re in traffic. If you’re dealing with a rude or inconsiderate person, be grateful that you can learn the reverse lesson—how not to be. You can learn tolerance and forgiveness from the judgmental person; you can learn peace from the angry person. All you have to do is decide to be the opposite of what they are. In this way, nothing you experience is wasted. Even the worst of circumstances (losses, setbacks) have a lesson to teach you so you can improve your life.
*Recite a Gratitude Mantra Daily. Every day, repeat a gratitude phrase to yourself, something like: “I am grateful for my breath, my life, and for this day. I am grateful for all I have experienced, or will experience. I am grateful for those I love because true love keeps growing and growing. I am grateful for those who are hateful because they teach me compassion and forgiveness. I am grateful for my successes because they are my inheritance from the Higher Nature. I am grateful for my failures because they are the Universe’s way of keeping me humble so that, when I do experience ultimate success, I will appreciate it even more.”
*Keep a Gratitude Journal. In a pad or notebook, write down three things you’re grateful for every day. They can be small things like your deodorant, your toothpaste, or your favorite clothes. Or, they can be big things like your loved ones, your career, your body, your health, and your life. When you do this consistently, you will significantly increase your happiness level and even sleep better. Try it for a month and you will see that keeping a gratitude journal can work wonders in your life.
Yes, happiness is within your reach. You can bring consistent joy into your life by following the powerful principles of gratitude: be grateful in the moment, be grateful for what you call “bad,” recite a gratitude mantra, and keep a gratitude journal. When you do these things, you will see your joy rising, and your peace growing. At its core, the principle of gratitude is simple: Be grateful for everything that happens to you, whether you call it important or unimportant; good or bad. Gratitude covers all; it doesn’t distinguish or discriminate between things, people, and events. Gratitude is simply a pure, flowing feeling of joy, peace, love, serenity, and excitement—all wrapped up on one delicious package of delight. With Gratitude in your heart, you will always win.

Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022